The 1-Hour Learner – Four Storytelling Techniques You Must Know


Lead with a story and understanding of your audience will follow. Good storytellers make their audience understand their benefit immediately. There are four storytelling techniques you must know to become successful in the highly competitive business environment The Report Story The Explanation Story The Elevator Story The Life Story

The 1-Minute Learner – THE SMART LEARNER


Hello and Welcome!

Today we’re going to start a new video post series on The 1-Minute Learner. The goal is to see the whole complex system by answering a question in two sentences in a way that a five-year-old child would understand.

Why I am doing this? Because my 6-years old grandson asks me such questions which I realized cannot answer in a simple way. So, that’s why I started this process. Again it proves that life-long learning is critical.

In today’s fast-moving and competitive environment, self-learning becomes a strategic competence. Self-learners adopt expert know-how fast thereby getting out in front.

That’s why we need to understand and apply advanced methods to learn, remember, and master new skills and information fast. I do hope the 1-Minute Learner series will help us succeed!


RapidKnowHow is a technique to explain complex topics in one or two sentences so that every child understands them.

By applying RapidKnowHow we can combine rapid skill acquisition and simple explanations with clear communication.

Click below to see some examples:

Source: GOOGLE

#RapidKnowWHO #ADiktaturDemokratie


Hello Democrats!

The House of Covid Cards is breaking down. The fight for freedom, democracy, and liberty of millions of people from around the world has been successful.

Many Democrats who have fought for freedom, peace, and justice, and for our fundamental rights in recent years have won. The fight isn’t over yet! Now those responsible for causing this immense economic, health, and social damage must face a COVID TRIBUNAL. The charge is crimes against humanity. In this video series, I will present the main milestones from 2020 to today in AUSTRIA. Stay tuned!

Students in Austria demonstrate against the 2G rule (tested and vaccinated) in late 2021. Untested and vaccinated students cannot enter the university.

Austria turned from REAL DEMOKRATIE to the FASCIST STATE from 2020 to 2022. The main drivers and responsible have been the politicians from the ÖVP, SPÖ, Grüne, and NEOS parties.

The Federal President has supported this unconstitutional development through his concrete actions and non-actions.

The Austrian Covid Process

The ruthless politicians regarded the population as UNTERTANEN from the very beginning. Reckless politicians, unions, and chamber functionaries adopted a dictatorial strategy to make people obedient. This strategy caused immense damage economically, and socially.

That's why the politicians, officials and doctors responsible have to appear before a Covid tribunal in 2022/2023
After new elections in 2022, people of integrity will lead Austria back to democracy.
The Austrian Process from Dictatorship back to Freedom and Democracy in 2022

The 1-Hour Innovator – The Future of Work


Discover the transformation of the industrial age working style of efficiency and control to the digital information age style of effectivity and collaboration. So what will drive the transformation process? Trust in people’s ability to create and deliver the value your customers want! Helping your customers to get their job done in time and effectively. … Read more