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Cui Bono: The Assassination of JFK

Scenario: The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

Identified Actors:

  1. Political Rivals: Those who opposed Kennedy’s policies or feared his reelection.
  2. Organized Crime Figures: Possible vengeance for Kennedy’s crackdown on mob activities.
  3. CIA/Federal Agencies: Possible motives linked to Cold War tensions and anti-Castro actions.
  4. Vietnam War Advocates: Individuals or factions favoring a military approach in Vietnam, opposed to Kennedy’s more cautious stance.


  • Political Rivals: The desire to eliminate a political threat and reshape policy directions.
  • Organized Crime: Loss of power and revenue due to Kennedy’s crackdown; gain by removing an adversary.
  • CIA/Federal Agencies: Reassess foreign policy; eliminate perceived threats from leftist movements.
  • Vietnam War Advocates: Change in policy towards more aggressive military involvement.

Benefit Scores (1-5):

  • Political Rivals: 5 (they could reshape the political landscape)
  • Organized Crime Figures: 4 (elimination of an adversary)
  • CIA/Federal Agencies:4 (potentially realigning policies)
  • Vietnam War Advocates:3 (could lead to escalation)

Cui Bono: The Assassination of RFK

Scenario: The assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California.

Identified Actors:

  1. Political Opponents: Those who opposed RFK’s presidential campaign.
  2. Organized Crime: Potentially seeking revenge against RFK for his role in combating organized crime.
  3. Government Agencies: Individuals with concerns over RFK’s potential policies as president.
  4. Far-Right Groups: Those opposed to RFK’s progressive stances on civil rights and social issues.


  • Political Opponents: Desire to eliminate a rival and destabilize the Democratic Party.
  • Organized Crime: RFK’s history of pursuing mob figures and political corruption; gaining by removing an enemy.
  • Government Agencies: Concerns about RFK’s foreign policy and civil rights approaches.
  • Far-Right Groups: Ensuring that RFK’s views do not prevail in future governance.

Benefit Scores (1-5):

  • Political Opponents: 5 (significantly impact the political landscape)
  • Organized Crime: 5 (removal of a staunch adversary)
  • Government Agencies: 3 (less direct but relates to policy concerns)
  • Far-Right Groups: 4 (potentially prevent progressive policies)


Both assassinations had complex motivations and numerous potential beneficiaries. The analysis highlights that political rivals, organized crime, and factions within the government could see varying degrees of benefit depending on the outcome of these tragic events. In both cases, the consequences reshaped American politics and society, reflecting the deep divides and tensions of the eras in which they occurred.

Ranked List of Potential Beneficiaries for the assassinations of JFK and RFK

Here’s a ranked list of potential beneficiaries for the assassinations of JFK and RFK, along with their corresponding benefit scores:

Assassination of JFK (1963)

  1. Political Rivals: 5
  • They could reshape the political landscape and policies.
  1. Organized Crime Figures: 4
  • Eliminating an adversary who was cracking down on their operations.
  1. CIA/Federal Agencies:4
  • Realigning foreign policy and ending perceived threats.
  1. Vietnam War Advocates: 3
  • Potential to escalate military involvement in Vietnam.

Assassination of RFK (1968)

  1. Political Opponents: 5
  • Significantly impacting the political landscape and the Democratic Party’s direction.
  1. Organized Crime: 5
  • Removing a powerful opponent who actively pursued mob targets.
  1. Far-Right Groups: 4
  • Preventing progressive reforms and policies associated with RFK.
  1. Government Agencies:3
  • Less direct, but still concerned about RFK’s potential governance.

Summary of Rankings


  1. Political Rivals (5)
  2. Organized Crime Figures (4)
  3. CIA/Federal Agencies (4)
  4. Vietnam War Advocates (3)


  1. Political Opponents (5)
  2. Organized Crime (5)
  3. Far-Right Groups (4)
  4. Government Agencies (3)

This ranking illustrates the potential beneficiaries of each assassination and their motivations based on the benefit scores assigned to each actor.

Ranking the Political Rivals and Political Opponents of JFK and RFK

Below is an analysis focused on key political rivals and opponents to JFK and RFK, outlining their motivations for wanting them out of the picture, along with beneficiary scores for each motivation:

JFK’s Political Rivals

  1. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)
  • Motivation 1: Desire for Power
  • Beneficiary Score: 5
  • Motivation 2: Policy Direction
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  • Motivation3: Personal Ambition
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  1. Richard Nixon
  • Motivation1: Presidential Ambition
  • Beneficiary Score:5
  • Motivation 2: Anti-Communism Stance
  • Beneficiary Score: 3
  • Motivation 3: Gain Electoral Advantage
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  1. George Wallace
  • Motivation1: Segregationist Policies
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  • Motivation 2: Populist Appeal
  • Beneficiary Score:3
  • Motivation3: Regional Power Consolidation
  • Beneficiary Score: 3

RFK’s Political Opponents

  1. Richard Nixon
  • Motivation1: Presidential Aspirations
  • Beneficiary Score:5
  • Motivation2: Overcoming the Democratic Platform
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  • Motivation3: Political Legacy
  • Beneficiary Score: 3
  1. Organized Crime Leaders (e.g., Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello)
  • Motivation1: Elimination of a Political Threat
  • Beneficiary Score: 5
  • Motivation 2: Protection of Criminal Enterprises
  • Beneficiary Score:5
  • Motivation3: Retaliation for JFK’s Policies
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  1. Conservative Southern Democrats
  • Motivation1: Opposition to Civil Rights Initiatives
  • Beneficiary Score:4
  • Motivation2: Maintaining Political Influence
  • Beneficiary Score:3
  • Motivation3: Preventing Progressive Reforms
  • Beneficiary Score:3

Summary of Political Rivals and Opponents


  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Power:5, Policy: 4, Ambition: 4
  • Richard Nixon
  • Presidential Ambition:5, Anti-Communism:3, Electoral Advantage:4
  • George Wallace
  • Segregation: 4, Populist:3, Regional Power:3


  • Richard Nixon
  • Aspirations: 5, Overcoming Platform:4, Legacy: 3
  • Organized Crime Leaders
  • Threat Elimination: 5, Protection: 5, Retaliation: 4
  • Conservative Southern Democrats
  • Civil Rights Opposition:4, Influence: 3, Reforms: 3

This structured analysis provides insights into the motivations behind the political ambivalence and rivalries associated with the assassinations of JFK and RFK, alongside potential beneficiary scores for each motivation.