How to Build The Collaboration Leadership MarketSpace?

If you want to become the leader in your sector, then you need innovative strategies that work.

That’s why RapidKnowHow has created The Collaboration Leadership Strategy to help leaders thrive collaboration leadership.

Discover how the Collaboration Leadership Strategy works , watch the video below: Enjoy!

How to Become The Collaboration Leader
9 Innovative Business Models for Driving Market Leadership (Case: Industrial Gases)

Hello and Welcome. First we’ll create the problem statement to focus our efforts.

The Problem Statement

Susan Henderson, the newly appointed VP Stakeholder Leadership Management at InnovaGas, is thinking to move from the head-to-head competition to shaping the new COLLABORATION Marketplace in 2020+

After defining the problem statement, we design the business models to turn the problem into solution rapidly.

The Collaboration Leadership Business Model

Susan asked the RapidKnowHow team for creating a simple business model for driving collaborative leadership.

That’s why we created the simple business portfolio model to assist Susan in identifying and choosing the best business models for establishing collaborative leadership by the end of 2020.

RapidKnowHow developed 9 Innovative Business Models for Driving Collaborative Leadership. Out of the nine models, Susan selected three models to apply for becoming the collaborative leader in the industrial gas industry in 2020+

Choosing Primary Business Models

Out of the nine innovative business models for driving collaborative leadership, Susan chooses three business models to generate quick wins.

The Business Model Branded Solution Provider refers to branding the industrial gas solution as an ingredient solution of a manufactured product that cannot be bought individually. The ingredient solution is advertised as an notable feature of the final product.

The business leader offers the branded industrial gas solution to increase the efficiency, safety, quality, health and environment of the customer’s production process and specific product range. He increases his brand awareness, attracts end-use customers and reduces the possibility of substituting his solution

The Business Model Business Converter refers to specializing in optimizing the industrial gas supply mode. The business converter leads the supply mode optimization process as his primary business strategy

The business leader offers a complete program which includes analysing and optimizing the entire industrial gas supply efficiency and increasing the operating cash-flow.

The Business Model Business Integrator refers to specializing in controlling the entire industrial gas supply chain. The business integrator leads the supply chain integration process as his primary business strategy.

The business leader offers a complete program which includes optimizing the total cost of ownership of the entire supply chain and shares the resulting cash-flow gain with his partner.


RapidKnowHow helps leaders to turn objectives into rapid results.

RapidKnowHow provides Collaboration strategies for stakeholder collaboration executives who want to drive Collaboration Leadership.
If you want to discuss your challenges and share your experiences with Collaboration strategies, please, contact us.

Today, we’ve learned how to generate Collaboration Leadership rapidly, using our RapidKnowHow COLLABORATION business model. Now it’s your turn. Wish You All Success!