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Leading Business Innovation

Hello and Welcome.

To be successful in the digital age, business executives need a simple, proven business system to execute business strategies rapidly.
That’s why we offer the LEADING BUSINESS INNOVATION System for Leaders who want to create THE NEWMARKET SPACE rapidly.

Business Model: Branded Solution Provider

The Business Model Branded Solution Provider refers to branding the industrial gas solution as an ingredient solution of a manufactured product that cannot be bought individually. The ingredient solution is advertised as a notable feature of the final product.

The business leader offers the branded industrial gas solution to increase the efficiency, safety, quality, health and environment of the customer’s production process and specific product range. He increases his brand awareness, attracts end-use customers and reduces the possibility of substituting his solution.

Business Model: Industrial Gas Supply-Mode Optimizer

The Business Model Industrial Gas Supply-Mode Optimizer refers to specializing in optimizing the industrial gas supply mode. The business converter leads the supply mode optimization process as his primary business strategy

The business leader offers a complete program which includes analysing and optimizing the entire industrial gas supply efficiency and increasing the operating cash-flow.

Business Model: The Business Integrator

The Business Model:  The Business Integrator refers to specializing in managing and controlling the entire supply chain. The business integrator leads the supply chain integration process as his primary business strategy.

The business leader offers a complete program which includes optimizing the total cost of ownership of the entire supply chain and shares the resulting cash-flow gain with his partner.

Business Model: Business Safety Provider

The Business Model Business Safety Provider refers to specializing in securing industrial gas supply. The business safety partner leads the order fulfilment process as his primary business strategy.

The business leader offers his business safety provider program which includes securing automatic refilling of products. Because customers value the steady availability of products, business leaders build up strong long-term relationships with their customers.

Business Model: The Business Problem Solver

The Business Model: The Business Problem Solver refers to specializing in solving industrial gas application problems on-demand. The leading business problem solver leads the On-DEMAND Gas Application Problem solving process as his primary business strategy.

The business leader offers his rapid problem-solving program online. Because customers value steady opportunity to access application expert know-how, business leaders build up strong long-term relationships with their customers.

Business Model: The Business Innovator

The Business Model The Business Innovator refers to specializing in inviting business professionals with specialized business model innovation skills from around the world who are eager to create and be financially rewarded for providing innovative business models on-demand

The business leader creates strategic alliances with independent business model creators. Because business leaders value innovative business models that help to drive leadership rapidly. Business model creation experts are passionate to help business leaders to succeed. Business leaders build up strong long-term relationships with their chosen business model innovation experts.

Business Model: The Digital Assets Creator

The Business Model The Digital Assets Creator refers to specializing in inviting business professionals with specialized digital assets creation skills from around the world who are eager to create and be financially rewarded for creating digital assets on-demand

The business leader creates strategic alliances with independent digital assets creators. Because business leaders value digital assets that help to generate passive income rapidly. Digital assets creation experts are passionate to help business leaders to succeed. Business leaders build up strong long-term relationships with their chosen digital assets creation experts.

Business Model: The E-Commerce Leader

The Business Model The E-Commerce Leader refers to specializing in creating and selling physical and virtual products via an online platform

The business leader creates a branded online platform via which he sells his physical and virtual products and services. Customers benefit from searching online for products and services, being able to compare business offers, eliminating time and travel costs, and obtaining lower prices.
Companies benefit by making their product and services searchable online, and reducing intermediaries, retail premises and depots.

Leading Business Innovation

So, to be successful in the digital age, business executives need a simple, proven business system to execute business strategies rapidly.
That’s why we created the LEADING BUSINESS INNOVATION System for Leaders who want to create THE NEWMARKET SPACE rapidly
To Your Success, Josef