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Hello and Welcome to this short video workshop on transforming website visitors into subscribers rapidly.

We’ll apply our simple model to transforming website visitors into subscribers in 3 steps:

First we’ll attract the right visitors with an interesting and specific article title.

In step two we want the visitor to finish reading the entire article.

Finally, you want the reader to subscribe to your blog posts.

1. Create specific article title

The title is the first thing searchers notice.

It has to be specific because you want the article to emerge in the search results for the right keyword searches.

In other words, you want to attract only potential customers.

You’ll find 3 examples in the video workshop.

2. Make visitor read article

Next, you’ll want the reader to finish reading the entire article.

So write in a flowing manner, and make sure that the content is easy to comprehend.

The goal is to help readers get to their desired result rapidly.

3. Get Reader subscribe to post

Finally, you’ll provide added value to your reader by offeering getting your breakthrough tips directly to her email box.

In this short video workshop we’ve transformed our preferred website visitors into subscribers rapidly.

Now it’s your turn! Wish You All Success! Thanks for Sharing!