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WHO is the person?

The person in question could be anyone, regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle. Heart attacks do not discriminate and can affect anyone at any time. However, certain factors can increase the risk of experiencing a heart attack. These include age (men over 45 and women over 55 are at higher risk), gender (men are generally at higher risk than women), family history of heart disease, smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high stress levels.

WHAT is the first diagnosis?

The first diagnosis of a heart attack is typically made based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history. Symptoms of a heart attack can vary but often include chest pain or discomfort that may spread to the arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach; shortness of breath; feeling weak or lightheaded; and feeling nauseous or vomiting.

However, it’s important to note that not everyone who has a heart attack experiences these ‘classic’ symptoms. Some people may have mild symptoms or none at all. This is more common in women and people with diabetes.

HOW finding out HEART ATTACK using the YES/NO Question Technique?

The YES/NO question technique can be used as an initial assessment tool when a heart attack is suspected. This involves asking the patient a series of questions to determine whether their symptoms align with those typically associated with a heart attack.

For example:

1. Are you experiencing chest pain or discomfort? YES/NO

2. Is this pain spreading to your arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach? YES/NO

3. Are you short of breath? YES/NO

4. Do you feel weak or lightheaded? YES/NO

5. Are you feeling bad or have you vomited? YES/NO

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘YES’, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention. However, this technique should not replace a professional medical diagnosis. It’s merely a tool to help identify potential heart attack symptoms and encourage prompt medical intervention.


Classifying a heart attack involves identifying the person at risk, recognizing the symptoms, and using diagnostic tools such as the YES/NO question technique. However, it’s important to remember that this information is intended to raise awareness and prompt immediate action, not to replace professional medical advice or diagnosis. If you or someone else is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention can significantly improve the outcome and survival rates for heart attack patients.