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If we want to be able to generate income from our affiliate marketing business offer, then we need to craft a practical strategy that transfers our digital business offer into digital business income rapidly.
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Here’s our practical strategy for transferring our affiliate marketing business offer from RapidKnowHow 80 into becoming an income generating business venture rapidly.

3 Steps to Transforming Our Digital Business Offer into Digital Business Income Plan Rapidly

Step 1 – Understand our Target Client’s Problem

Step 2 – Develop Our Business Offer

Step 3 – Planning Our Business Income



Step 1 – Understand our Target Client’s Problem

First we need to understand our target client’s problem. We’ve created a simple model  aligning our target client’s problem to our business idea and passion.


Our passion is to building a profitable online business . Our goal is to become a successful digital entrepreneur being less dependent on employee income in the future.

Our marketing skills allow us to crafting a solid affiliate business model rapidly.

We also know from our current activities and intensive online market research that client’s want to leverage their business online for sustained income growth, but they lack time and resources for doing so.

Next, we’ll develop our affiliate business offer for solving our target client’s urgent problems rapidly.

Step 2 – Develop Our Affiliate Business Offer

Our goal is to become the leading affiliate business strategy & development adviser for companies who want to get out in front in the digital age but – as stated before – they lack time and resources for doing so.

We will offer buy- side and sell- side consulting services

Our buy-side offerings comprise product reviews, comparion reviews of different suppliers and recommended tools to use for creating and implementing a successful digital business.

The buy-side offerings help our clients to generate affiliate income and strengthening relationships with their key suppliers. Under this business model key suppliers become partner in business.

Our sell-side offering help clients building strategic affiliate networks through which they can leverage their know how rapidly and generate sustained sales growth.

Step 3 – Planning Affiliate Business Income

By executing step 1 and step 2 of the affiliate business development program successfully, we’ll generate an income from a portfolio of services which makes us less vulnerable to volatile business cycles.


First, we’ll get income from our buy-side offerings model.

Next, we can charge for crafting a tailored affiliate business strategy for our client.

We can offer to run campaigns for building our client’s affiliate network in a specific niche or region rapidly.

Our goal is to helping our clients staying ahead of the competition in this fast changing volatile, competitive business environment.

In the next post , we’ll learn how to transfer our business model into a start-up plan rapidly. Stay tuned.

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