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Changing the B2B Game – Top 8 B2B Revenue Models to Generate Multiple Profitable Income Streams

Welcome to this short Executive Management Workshop

In this video tutorial we’ll learn how to GENERATE MULTIPLE PROFITABLE INCOME STREAMS
Let’s get started

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Two B2B Revenue Generation Strategies That Work

First, we craft two distinctive B2B revenue strategies

Strategy #1: Generating Transaction Revenues from One-Time Payments

Strategy #2: Generating Recurring Revenues from Ongoing Payments

Strategy #1: Transaction Revenues from One-Time Payments

Four Revenue Models from One-Time Payments

1.Commodity Sales

2.Asset Sale

3.Payment FEE per Usage

4.Payment FEE per Results

Revenue Model – Commodity Sales

The most widely understood revenue stream derives from selling ownership rights to a commodity product.

The owners buys the right to use the commodity product by decreasing production time and costs while increasing quality , health and environment of his end product.

Revenue Model – Asset Sales

The widely understood revenue stream derives from selling ownership rights to a particular asset.

The owner buys the ownership right to use the asset such as machines, tanks, cylinders, on-site plants by decreasing production time and costs while increasing quality , health and environment of his end product

Revenue Model – Payment Fee per Usage

The customers pay a fee per usage of the consumed product. The price charged is per unit consumed (m3, piece,, kg etc.)

Revenue Model – Payment Fee per Result

The customers pay a fee per result of the consumed product. The price charged is per unit output in amount, quality, time and costs

Strategy #2: Recurring Revenues from ONGOING Payments

Four Revenue Models from ONGOING Payments





Revenue Model – Lending/Renting/Leasing

The owner grants the customer temporarily the exclusive right to use the asset ( equipment, tank, cylinder, on-sites)

Revenue Model – Installments

In this revenue model the customer buys assets by paying installments which the customer easier accepts as the 1-off payments

Revenue Model – Subscription

Used for services that customer will repetitively use over a long period of time as  cylinder management, manifolds safety services, automatic refilling etc.

Gives huge predictability of revenues. You can concentrate on delivering value and less on selling

Revenue Model – Freemium

This model goes hand in hand payment per usage and subscription

Customer signs a demo contract. When demonstrating the offered result. The demo contracts turns in a 3-years supply contract

Changing the B2B Game – Top 8 B2B Revenue Models to Generate Multiple Profitable Income Streams

In this video tutorial we’ve learned how to transfer two revenue strategies into EIGHT PROFITABLE INCOME STREAMS

Wish You All Success!
