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The RapidKnowHow LIFE LEADER Action Guide – 5 Steps to Lead Your Life Effectively

If you want to achieve your strategic life goal, then you need a practical action guide to succeed

Apply the RapidKnowHow LIFE LEADER Action Guide to achieve your strategic life objectives.

To Your Success

The RapidKnowHow Business Model
5 Steps to LEAD Your Life Effectively

If you want to achieve your strategic life objective, then you need a life strategy to succeed

The RapidKnowHow Model helps to drive your life journey in five steps:

1.Define your life vision, mission, and long-term goal

2. Next, define your profession you want to learn e.g. doctor, engineer, manager, teacher, historian, etc.

3. Then you need to build your tacit skills to differentiate from other professionals AND from artificial intelligence by developing your uniquely human skills in leadership, communication, creativity, empathy, and imagination

4. After that, you’ll configure your own life path aligned to your passion, and interest: configure your degree path BSc, MSc, MBA, MA, and Ph.D.; define your business roles: entrepreneur, employee, artist, scientist, etc.

5. Finally, you’ll commit to learning in action by being engaged in assessing, learning, applying, adapting to the challenging environment constantly

The RapidKnowHow Action Guide
5 Steps to Lead Your Life Effectively

Step One – Establish Your Life Goal

Step Two – Define Your Profession

Step Three – Determine Your Skills

Step Four – Specify Your Passion and Interests

Step Five – Leading Your Life to Achieve Your Life Goal

STEP 01 – Establish Your Life-Goal
Define your life-mission. See the example: Helping people succeed by believing in their competencies

STEP 02 – Define Your Profession
I want to  learn competencies to create, deliver and capture value for other people and institutions

STEP 03 – Determine Skills
Determine the strategic skills to help people and institutions create, deliver and capture value

STEP 04 – Specify Passion and Interest
Develop your core business skills to become an expert in business innovation

STEP 05 – Leading Your Life
Executing your life strategy to help people and institutions create, deliver and capture sustainable value

The RapidKnowHow Business Model

If you want to achieve your strategic objective rapidly, then you need a practical business model to succeed. Apply the RapidKnowHow Business Model to achieve your strategic objectives rapidly and effectively.

To Your Success