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The BaseMarket Framework for Industrial Gas Leaders

Hello and Welcome!

Today we’ll establish the BASEMARKET FRAMEWORK to help companies take full advantage as an international group 

The BaseMarket Policy

The BaseMarket Policy is a set of rules for decision making that should be followed by all industrial gas companies to take full advantage of your Company’s strength as an international group

The policy covers action in the segments

•Cutting and Welding



but can be selectively applied to other business areas

Common factors for the base market segments are:

•Many similar customers

•Separate local markets

•In every country

•Constituting the core business for InnovaGas

The base market offers further growth and profit opportunities of vital importance to InnovaGas

•New business models/processes/products/services /revenue models compensating for stagnating areas

•Additional retail business areas for gases and related products

•New marketing and sales concepts

•Improved productivity in distribution and administration

The Base Market Strategy

Your company shall – with customer service in focus – secure and further develop the base market with a sound balance between short-term and long-term sales, profit and cash-flow objectives

•Optimizing present business through utilization of existing opportunities for income improvement in marketing as well as cost reductions in operations/administration

•Develop new business opportunities through the means of market expansion and added-value of products and services to customers

The present business shall be improved by:

•Gaining local dominance

•Getting a strong market control

•Developing revenue streams and pricing systems and service charges

•Optimizing the retail network

•Increasing productivity and service performance through a close cooperation between marketing and distribution

•Creating a high level of administrative efficiency with fast and accurate handling of transactions

•Making the marketing organization profit oriented by means of a PROFIT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS)

InnovaGas shall furthermore secure long-term profitable growth through acquisitions of local producers/ service providers and re-sellers and a continuous development of own marketing concepts:


Become the technological leader in C&W

Cooperate with selected hardware suppliers

Professional value-added sales persons offering profitable solutions to direct customers


Become a specialist organisation with homecare marketing and homecare specialist approach and profile

Take total responsibility for reliable and safe gas supply

Offer complete service and training packages


Establish separate channels for different customer categories

Create broad range of complementary products , services and training

Build dense and selectively expanded sales outlet networks

The above strategy has to be locally implemented by strong and professional marketing organizations in each company securing an efficient cooperation between central specialists and regional salesperson with total customer responsibility

The Marketing Profile

Your company shall on each market create a strong profile as an efficient and reliable partner to the customers and partners, reflecting a locally adapted image of

•Superior service level for each customer segment

•Highest safety, quality and environmental standards

•Advanced gas application technology and process know-how

•Best in providing innovative business models •The Basemarket Guide shall be followed

Market Controlling

You shall actively manage and control the base market

•Clearly define and follow a local base market strategy

Make decisions based upon an efficient Marketing Information System covering:
•Profitability •Controlling your total gas distribution chain from production to the end-user

Today we’ve established the BASEMARKET FRAMEWORK to help companies take full advantage as an international group. To Your Success!