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One of the best tactics to get more clients is to create satisfied customers and make them your ambassadors for attracting new clients

So you want to maintain your existing customers and acquire new clients, but you don’t know how to manage your current customers to become your ambassadors for attracting new clients.

What do you do?
You need a practical and proven strategy.

It will help you to transfer your existing clients into your references for getting new business.
It will enable to get new sales from your strategic referral marketing activities.

How Can You Get Started?

Your goal is to make our current clients satisfied.

Satisfied customers know you in action.
They know how you deliver results by understanding their needs.

How to Creating Satisfied Customers?

You’ve created tangible value, AND they like you as a person because you’re credible in delivering what promised.

The best way to make customers satisfied is to address their current challenges and provide a tangible solution.

Customers (owners, CEOs, managers) are busy people they have no time to look after you.

How to Manage the Customer Satisfaction Process Effectively?

You’ll aim at understanding your client’s goal and transfer it into tangible results that make your client satisfied

Follow these four steps to achieve your goal :

  1. Create a List of Your Top Five Clients (They Know How You Deliver Results, and They Like You as a Human Being – and vice versa)
  2. Search their Website and LinkedIn to Find Out Their Current Goals and Challenges, or Call them.
    That’s a simple test: People who like you will take the phone immediately or call back in due time.
  3. Create a Short Action Paper on the Biggest Priorities You’ve Found Out. Prepare Ideas and Alternative Actions to Address Them
  4. Get a “ Point of View” Meeting with Your Target Client and Key Influencers; First You Share Useful Information, Then Start Asking Them About Which Areas are the Biggest Priorities for them.

How to Transfer Your Client into Your Ambassador?

If your prospective client confirms his biggest priority, you’ve created a hot prospect.
Now it’s time to transfer his biggest priority into a concrete business offer.

Always have a practical action plan comprising :

  • Goal
  • Actions
  • Deliverable
  • Time Schedule
  • Responsible Person

    Don’t reach out to the decision maker aiming at selling your product or service but spend some time to analyse your prospective client’s situation
    ( goals, challenges, needs, plans ).

After delivering your services, you’ll ask your client for his feedback.
Ask for his feedback on the overall result, quality of your work and your approach.

Finally, ask for his recommendation to prospective new clients.

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