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Changing the B2B Game – Building Strategic Partnerships in 4 Weeks

Welcome to this short Executive Management Workshop

In this video tutorial we’ll learn how to BUILD STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS in 4 Weeks
Let’s get started

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Building Strategic Partnerships in 4 Weeks

First you’ll choose your strategic clients.

Next, you’ll create the business offer

Finally, you’ll contact your strategic clients to sign one strategic partnership agreement within four weeks.

Wish You All Success!

Building Strategic Partnerships in 4 Weeks – Step One – Choosing Strategic Clients

IN WEEK ONE, you’ll identify clients where you’re the sole supplier for 3-5 years

Next, you’ll analyse their business. You’ll target clients with a global business to leverage your services globally

The Key Performance Indicator is an EBIT of more than 10%

Building Strategic Partnerships in 4 Weeks – Step Two – Creating the Business Offer

In week TWO, you’ll focus on clients where you’re the sole supplier.
You goal is to become the primary service provider.

Next, you’ll create a business offer to OPTIMIZING TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP of the entire supply chain

The Key Performance Indicator is to Decrease TCO from the current level to the optimized level by a specific date.

Building Strategic Partnerships in 4 Weeks – Step Three – Contacting Strategic Clients

In week THREE AND FOUR, you’ll contact the focus clients.
The responsible lead is the Key Account Manager.

He manages the strategic partnering process from choosing the strategic clients to contracting the strategic partner.


Changing the B2B Game – Business Case: The Industrial Gas Service Provider

The Industrial Gas Service Provider creates value by managing the industrial gas supply chain to optimize total cost of ownership (TCO)

He offers his TOTAL-GAS-MANAGEMENT business model to OPTIMIZE TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP (TCO) of the entire industrial gas supply chain

The industrial gas service provider earns revenues from a management fee, shared product savings and transition savings
