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Learning how to speed read is a skill that can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency, especially in today’s fast-paced world where information is abundant. It’s not just about reading faster, but also about understanding and retaining the information you read. Here are some steps you can take to drive yourself towards mastering this skill.

Eight Steps to Drive Towards Mastering Speed Reading Fast

1. **Understand the Importance of Speed Reading**: The first step towards driving yourself to learn speed reading is understanding its importance. Speed reading can help you save time, increase your learning speed, improve comprehension, and boost your focus and concentration. It’s a valuable skill that can benefit you in various aspects of life, from professional to personal.

2. **Set Clear Goals**: Setting clear and achievable goals is crucial when learning any new skill, including speed reading. Your goal could be to read a certain number of pages or words per minute, or to finish a specific book within a certain timeframe. Having clear goals will give you a sense of direction and purpose, which will motivate you to keep going.

3. **Start with the Basics**: Before jumping into speed reading techniques, it’s important to have a solid foundation in basic reading skills. This includes understanding vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. If you struggle with these basics, it might be harder for you to grasp speed reading techniques.

4. **Learn Speed Reading Techniques**: There are several techniques that can help you read faster while maintaining comprehension. Some popular ones include chunking (reading groups of words at once instead of individual words), minimizing subvocalization (the habit of pronouncing words in your head as you read), and using a pointer (like your finger or a pen) to guide your eyes across the line.

5. **Practice Regularly**: Like any other skill, practice is key when it comes to speed reading. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. Start by practicing for short periods each day and gradually increase the duration as your speed improves.

6. **Use Tools and Resources**: There are numerous tools and resources available online that can help you learn and practice speed reading. These include online courses, apps, books, and tutorials.

7. **Stay Patient and Persistent**: Learning how to speed read takes time and effort. You might not see immediate results, but don’t let that discourage you. Stay patient and persistent, keep practicing regularly, and eventually, you’ll see improvement.

8. **Evaluate Your Progress**: Regularly evaluate your progress by timing yourself and checking how much your reading speed has improved over time. This will not only help you track your progress but also motivate you to keep improving.


In conclusion, driving yourself to learn how to speed read involves understanding its importance, setting clear goals, starting with the basics, learning speed reading techniques, practicing regularly, using available tools and resources, staying patient and persistent, and evaluating your progress regularly. Remember that everyone learns at their own pace so don’t compare your progress with others’. Focus on your own journey towards mastering this valuable skill.