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Hello and Welcome! Today, we’ll learn how to solve complicated problems fast and identify the strategic skills of a successful problem solver

If you want to solve complicated problems fast, then you can apply our RapidKnowHow Model. The RapidKnowHow Model uses a learning-by-doing process that helps us get insight into what the problem is, why the problem exists, how to solve the problem step-by-step, learn why it worked or not, and continue the cycle.

To apply the RapidKnowHow model effectively you need to acquire these four skills: 1. Critical Thinking, 2. Critical Analysis, 3. Critical Writing and 4. Critical Reading

Critical Thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment!

Critical Analysis is the detailed examination and evaluation of another person‘s ideas or work

Critical Writing is the capability of analysing the pros and cons of a problem from different perspectives by making logical connections between ideas, concepts, action steps and conclusions.

Critical Reading is the skill to get an overview of a text, by skimming through and looking for specific information to understand the core concept outlined in the title of the text, summary and introduction of the piece.

So, today, we‘ve learned how to solve complicated problems fast and identify the strategic skills of a successful problem solver. Wish You All Success!