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Unleashing the Power of Leadership: A Profile of Seifi Ghasemi, the Visionary Behind Air Products


Seifi Ghasemi is a renowned business leader and the Chairman, President, and CEO of Air Products, a global industrial gases company. With a career spanning over four decades, Ghasemi has made significant contributions to the industry and has transformed Air Products into a leading player in the market. In this blog post, we will delve into Ghasemi’s background, his journey to success, his impact on Air Products, his visionary leadership style, his commitment to innovation and sustainability, his focus on employee empowerment and company culture, his resilience in times of crisis, his philanthropic endeavors, and his advice for aspiring leaders.

Early Life and Education: The Making of a Leader

Seifi Ghasemi was born and raised in Iran. Growing up in a modest family, he learned the values of hard work, perseverance, and determination from an early age. These values would shape his character and guide him throughout his career. Ghasemi pursued his education at the prestigious Abadan Institute of Technology in Iran, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He then went on to complete his master’s degree in mechanical engineering at Stanford University in the United States.

From Iran to America: Seifi Ghasemi’s Journey to Success

After completing his education in the United States, Ghasemi made the decision to stay and pursue new opportunities. As an immigrant, he faced numerous challenges, including language barriers and cultural differences. However, he was determined to succeed and worked tirelessly to overcome these obstacles. Ghasemi began his career at The Dow Chemical Company, where he held various leadership positions over the years. His hard work and dedication paid off, and he quickly rose through the ranks.

Building a Legacy: Ghasemi’s Impact on Air Products

When Ghasemi joined Air Products as Chairman, President, and CEO in 2014, the company was facing significant challenges. However, under his leadership, Air Products experienced a remarkable turnaround. Ghasemi implemented a series of strategic initiatives that transformed the company’s operations and positioned it for long-term growth and success. He focused on streamlining the business, divesting non-core assets, and investing in high-growth areas. As a result, Air Products’ financial performance improved significantly, and the company’s market value soared.

Transforming a Company: Ghasemi’s Visionary Leadership Style

Ghasemi is known for his visionary leadership style and his ability to drive change. He believes in setting ambitious goals and inspiring his team to achieve them. Ghasemi transformed Air Products’ culture by fostering a sense of innovation, collaboration, and accountability. He encouraged employees to think outside the box and take calculated risks. Ghasemi also implemented innovative strategies, such as digital transformation and the use of advanced technologies, to improve operational efficiency and customer experience.

Fostering Innovation: Ghasemi’s Approach to Driving Growth

Under Ghasemi’s leadership, innovation has been a key driver of Air Products’ growth. He recognizes the importance of staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing business landscape. Ghasemi has made significant investments in research and development to develop new products and technologies that meet the evolving needs of customers. He has also fostered a culture of creativity and risk-taking within the company, encouraging employees to explore new ideas and challenge the status quo.

Empowering Employees: Ghasemi’s Commitment to a Strong Company Culture

Ghasemi believes that empowered employees are the key to a successful organization. He has made employee engagement and empowerment a top priority at Air Products. Ghasemi has implemented initiatives to support employee development and well-being, such as training programs, mentorship opportunities, and work-life balance initiatives. He has also fostered a sense of belonging and inclusivity within the company, creating a diverse and inclusive workforce where everyone feels valued and respected.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Ghasemi’s Environmental Initiatives

Ghasemi is deeply committed to sustainability and reducing Air Products’ environmental impact. Under his leadership, the company has implemented numerous environmental initiatives to minimize its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. Air Products has invested in renewable energy projects, implemented energy-efficient technologies, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Ghasemi’s efforts have been recognized globally, and Air Products has received numerous awards for its sustainability initiatives.

Navigating Challenges: Ghasemi’s Resilience in Times of Crisis

Throughout his career, Ghasemi has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, he swiftly implemented measures to protect the health and safety of employees while ensuring business continuity. Ghasemi made strategic decisions to navigate the crisis, such as diversifying the company’s product portfolio and expanding into new markets. His ability to make tough decisions and lead with confidence has been instrumental in guiding Air Products through challenging times.

Ghasemi’s Philanthropic Endeavors: Giving Back to the Community

Ghasemi is not only a successful business leader but also a philanthropist who believes in giving back to the community. He is actively involved in various charitable initiatives and supports causes that are close to his heart. Ghasemi and Air Products have made significant donations to educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and community development projects. His philanthropy has had a positive impact on the lives of many people and has helped create a better future for communities around the world.

Lessons in Leadership: Ghasemi’s Advice for Aspiring Leaders

Seifi Ghasemi’s journey to success is an inspiration for aspiring leaders. He believes that leadership is about setting a clear vision, empowering others, and leading by example. Ghasemi emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and resilience. He encourages aspiring leaders to take risks, embrace change, and never stop challenging themselves. Ghasemi’s leadership principles and advice serve as a valuable guide for anyone looking to make a positive impact in their organization and beyond.

In conclusion, Seifi Ghasemi’s leadership has had a profound impact on Air Products and the industry as a whole. His visionary approach, commitment to innovation and sustainability, focus on employee empowerment, and resilience in times of crisis have set him apart as a true leader. Ghasemi’s journey from Iran to America is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and perseverance. His philanthropic endeavors further highlight his commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Aspiring leaders can learn valuable lessons from Ghasemi’s experiences and apply them to their own leadership journeys.

The Power of Purposeful Leadership: Lessons from Sanjiv Lamba’s Remarkable Career


Sanjiv Lamba is a renowned leader in the business world, known for his purpose-driven approach to leadership. With a career spanning over three decades, Lamba has held various executive positions in multinational companies and has successfully transformed organizations through his visionary leadership. In today’s fast-paced and complex business landscape, purposeful leadership has become increasingly important. It is not enough for leaders to simply focus on profits and growth; they must also have a clear sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact on society. Sanjiv Lamba’s journey to remarkable leadership serves as an inspiration for aspiring leaders who want to make a difference in their organizations and communities.

Leading with Purpose: Sanjiv Lamba’s Journey to Remarkable Leadership

Sanjiv Lamba’s journey to remarkable leadership began with his early experiences in the corporate world. He started his career at Unilever, where he held various positions in sales and marketing. It was during this time that he developed a passion for purpose-driven leadership. He realized that true success in business comes not only from achieving financial goals but also from making a positive impact on society.

Throughout his career, Lamba has held several key leadership positions, including CEO of Unilever Bangladesh, CEO of Unilever Philippines, and President of Unilever South Asia. In each role, he demonstrated his commitment to purposeful leadership by driving sustainable growth and creating value for all stakeholders.

The Importance of Purposeful Leadership in Today’s Business Landscape

In today’s fast-paced and complex business environment, purposeful leadership is crucial for organizations to thrive. Purposeful leaders have a clear sense of their organization’s mission and values, and they inspire their teams to work towards a common goal. They understand that success is not just about financial performance but also about making a positive impact on society.

Purposeful leadership has several benefits for organizations and employees. It fosters a sense of meaning and fulfillment among employees, leading to higher levels of engagement and productivity. Purposeful leaders also create a positive work culture that attracts and retains top talent. Moreover, purposeful leadership helps organizations navigate challenges and make informed decisions that align with their values and long-term goals.

How Sanjiv Lamba’s Purpose-driven Approach Transformed Organizations

Sanjiv Lamba’s purpose-driven approach has transformed organizations by driving sustainable growth and creating value for all stakeholders. One example of this is his tenure as CEO of Unilever Bangladesh. Under his leadership, the company achieved significant growth while also making a positive impact on society. Lamba implemented several initiatives to improve the lives of farmers, promote gender equality, and reduce the company’s environmental footprint.

Another example is his role as CEO of Unilever Philippines, where he led the company to become one of the top-performing subsidiaries in the region. Lamba focused on building strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, while also driving innovation and sustainability. His purpose-driven approach helped the company achieve double-digit growth and become a leader in the market.

Building a Vision: Lessons in Creating a Purposeful Leadership Style

One of the key lessons in creating a purposeful leadership style is the importance of having a clear vision. Sanjiv Lamba believes that leaders must have a compelling vision that inspires their teams and guides their decision-making. A clear vision helps leaders stay focused on their organization’s purpose and enables them to communicate their goals effectively.

Another lesson is the importance of aligning the organization’s purpose with its values and culture. Lamba believes that purposeful leaders must create an environment where employees feel connected to the organization’s mission and values. This involves fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and collaboration, where everyone feels empowered to contribute to the organization’s success.

Inspiring Others: Sanjiv Lamba’s Strategies for Motivating Teams

Sanjiv Lamba has implemented several strategies to motivate and inspire his teams. One strategy is to lead by example. Lamba believes that leaders must embody the values and behaviors they expect from their teams. By demonstrating integrity, resilience, and a commitment to excellence, leaders can inspire their teams to do the same.

Another strategy is to create a positive and inclusive work culture. Lamba believes that leaders must create an environment where everyone feels valued and included. This involves promoting diversity and inclusion, providing opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding employees’ contributions.

The Role of Purpose in Decision Making: Key Insights from Sanjiv Lamba’s Career

Purposeful leadership plays a crucial role in decision-making processes. Sanjiv Lamba believes that leaders must make decisions that align with their organization’s purpose and values. This involves considering the long-term impact of decisions on all stakeholders, not just short-term financial gains.

Lamba also emphasizes the importance of ethical decision-making. Purposeful leaders must make decisions that are guided by integrity, transparency, and fairness. They must prioritize the well-being of their employees, customers, and communities, even if it means sacrificing short-term profits.

Navigating Challenges: How Purposeful Leadership Helps Overcome Obstacles

Purposeful leadership helps leaders navigate challenges and overcome obstacles by providing a clear sense of direction and purpose. When faced with challenges, purposeful leaders can rely on their organization’s mission and values to guide their decision-making.

Sanjiv Lamba’s purpose-driven approach has helped him overcome challenges throughout his career. For example, during his tenure as CEO of Unilever Bangladesh, he faced significant market disruptions due to political instability. However, his commitment to purposeful leadership enabled him to navigate these challenges successfully and drive sustainable growth.

Creating a Positive Impact: Sanjiv Lamba’s Contributions to Social Responsibility

Sanjiv Lamba has made significant contributions to social responsibility throughout his career. He believes that businesses have a responsibility to make a positive impact on society and should use their resources and influence to address social and environmental issues.

Lamba has been involved in several initiatives and projects aimed at improving the lives of communities and promoting sustainability. For example, during his time as CEO of Unilever Philippines, he launched the “Sustainable Living Plan,” which focused on reducing the company’s environmental footprint and improving the well-being of communities.

Fostering Innovation: Lessons in Purposeful Leadership from Sanjiv Lamba

Purposeful leadership fosters innovation within organizations by creating an environment where employees feel empowered to take risks and think creatively. Sanjiv Lamba believes that leaders must encourage a culture of innovation by providing resources, support, and recognition for new ideas.

Lamba also emphasizes the importance of collaboration in fostering innovation. Purposeful leaders must create opportunities for cross-functional collaboration and encourage diverse perspectives. By bringing together different talents and expertise, leaders can drive innovation and find creative solutions to complex problems.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy: Sanjiv Lamba’s Lessons for Future Leaders

Sanjiv Lamba’s purposeful leadership journey offers several lessons for future leaders. One key lesson is the importance of having a clear sense of purpose and aligning it with the organization’s mission and values. Leaders must also lead with integrity, empathy, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Another lesson is the importance of continuous learning and personal growth. Lamba believes that leaders must constantly seek new knowledge, develop new skills, and adapt to changing circumstances. By staying curious and open-minded, leaders can continue to grow and evolve throughout their careers.


In conclusion, purposeful leadership is crucial in today’s business landscape. Leaders like Sanjiv Lamba have demonstrated the power of purpose-driven leadership in driving sustainable growth, creating value for all stakeholders, and making a positive impact on society. By building a clear vision, inspiring others, and making purpose-driven decisions, leaders can create a lasting legacy and shape a better future for their organizations and communities.

Driving Innovation and Sustainability: How Francois Jackow is Revolutionizing the Industrial Gases Sector at Air Liquide

Introduction: Francois Jackow’s impact on the industrial gases sector

Francois Jackow is a prominent figure in the industrial gases sector, known for his role as the former Executive Vice President of Air Liquide. With a background in engineering and a passion for innovation and sustainability, Jackow has made significant contributions to the industry throughout his career.

As the Executive Vice President of Air Liquide, Jackow has played a crucial role in shaping the company’s strategy and driving its growth. He has been instrumental in leading the company’s efforts to embrace renewable energy, invest in research and development, streamline operations, collaborate with partners, implement digital solutions, foster a culture of innovation, drive customer-centricity, promote diversity and inclusion, and plan for the future.

Embracing renewable energy: Jackow’s push for sustainable solutions

Under Jackow’s leadership, Air Liquide has made a strong commitment to renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon intensity by 30% by 2025 and become carbon neutral by 2050.

To achieve these goals, Air Liquide has implemented various projects and initiatives led by Jackow. One example is the construction of renewable hydrogen production units, which use electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water using renewable electricity. This renewable hydrogen can then be used as a clean energy source in various industries, such as transportation and energy storage.

Another initiative led by Jackow is the development of biogas purification technologies. Biogas is produced from organic waste and can be used as a renewable energy source. Air Liquide has developed innovative technologies to purify biogas and convert it into biomethane, which can be injected into the natural gas grid or used as a fuel for vehicles.

Investing in research and development: Air Liquide’s commitment to innovation

Air Liquide places a strong emphasis on research and development, and Jackow has played a key role in driving innovation within the company. The company invests around 200 million euros annually in research and development activities, focusing on developing new technologies and solutions to address the evolving needs of its customers.

One area of focus for Air Liquide is the development of advanced materials and technologies for the energy transition. This includes the development of new materials for energy storage, such as advanced batteries and fuel cells. Air Liquide is also investing in the development of carbon capture and utilization technologies, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes.

Jackow has fostered a culture of creativity and innovation within Air Liquide, encouraging employees to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. The company organizes hackathons and innovation challenges to encourage employees to collaborate and develop innovative solutions to industry challenges. Additionally, Air Liquide provides training programs to help employees develop their innovation skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

Streamlining operations: Jackow’s efforts to optimize efficiency

Efficiency is a key focus for Jackow, and he has implemented various initiatives to streamline operations within Air Liquide. By optimizing processes and reducing waste, the company has been able to improve productivity and reduce costs.

One example of these efforts is the implementation of digital technologies to automate and optimize operations. Air Liquide has developed digital solutions that enable real-time monitoring and control of its production facilities, allowing for better resource allocation and improved efficiency. These digital solutions also help identify potential issues before they become major problems, reducing downtime and improving overall operational performance.

Another initiative led by Jackow is the implementation of lean manufacturing principles across the company’s operations. Lean manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency by continuously improving processes. By implementing lean principles, Air Liquide has been able to reduce lead times, improve product quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

Collaborating with partners: Building a network for sustainable growth

Jackow recognizes the importance of collaboration and partnerships in driving sustainable growth. Air Liquide has formed partnerships with other companies and organizations to leverage their expertise and resources to achieve common goals.

One example of these partnerships is the collaboration between Air Liquide and energy companies to develop hydrogen infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles. By working together, these companies are able to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen fueling stations and promote the adoption of fuel cell vehicles as a clean transportation solution.

Air Liquide also collaborates with research institutions and universities to develop new technologies and solutions. These collaborations help accelerate the pace of innovation and ensure that Air Liquide remains at the forefront of technological advancements in the industrial gases sector.

Implementing digital solutions: Jackow’s vision for a smarter industrial gases sector

Jackow envisions a future where digital technologies play a central role in improving operations and enhancing customer experience in the industrial gases sector. Under his leadership, Air Liquide has implemented various digital solutions to achieve these goals.

One example is the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize production processes. By analyzing large amounts of data collected from sensors and other sources, Air Liquide can identify patterns and trends that can help improve efficiency and reduce costs. Artificial intelligence algorithms can also be used to predict equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules, reducing downtime and improving overall operational performance.

Air Liquide has also developed digital platforms that enable customers to access real-time information about their gas supply, place orders, and track deliveries. These platforms provide customers with greater visibility and control over their gas supply, improving their overall experience.

Fostering a culture of innovation: Encouraging creativity and new ideas at Air Liquide

Jackow understands that innovation is driven by people, and he has made it a priority to foster a culture of innovation within Air Liquide. The company encourages employees to think creatively and come up with new ideas to address industry challenges.

One way Air Liquide fosters innovation is through hackathons and innovation challenges. These events bring together employees from different departments and encourage them to collaborate and develop innovative solutions to specific challenges. The company also provides training programs to help employees develop their innovation skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

Additionally, Air Liquide has established innovation centers around the world, where employees can work on research and development projects and collaborate with external partners. These innovation centers provide a space for employees to experiment with new ideas and technologies, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.

Driving customer-centricity: Jackow’s focus on meeting evolving industry needs

Jackow recognizes the importance of understanding and meeting the evolving needs of customers in the industrial gases sector. Under his leadership, Air Liquide has adapted its offerings to better serve customers and provide them with innovative solutions.

One example is the development of customized gas solutions for specific industries. Air Liquide works closely with customers to understand their unique requirements and develop tailored gas solutions that meet their specific needs. This customer-centric approach has helped Air Liquide build strong relationships with its customers and become a trusted partner in their success.

Air Liquide also invests in research and development to develop new products and services that address emerging industry trends. For example, the company has developed advanced materials for energy storage, such as advanced batteries and fuel cells, to meet the growing demand for clean energy solutions.

Promoting diversity and inclusion: Creating a more inclusive and innovative workforce

Jackow is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within Air Liquide, recognizing that a diverse workforce leads to greater innovation and creativity. The company has implemented various initiatives to create a more inclusive work environment.

Air Liquide provides diversity training programs to help employees understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and develop the skills needed to work effectively in diverse teams. The company also supports employee resource groups, which provide a platform for employees to connect and support each other based on shared characteristics or experiences.

In addition, Air Liquide has implemented recruitment efforts to attract diverse talent. The company actively seeks to hire employees from diverse backgrounds and ensures that its recruitment processes are fair and unbiased.

Looking ahead: Jackow’s future plans for driving innovation and sustainability at Air Liquide

Looking ahead, Jackow has ambitious plans for Air Liquide in terms of innovation and sustainability. The company will continue to invest in research and development to develop new technologies and solutions that address the evolving needs of its customers.

Air Liquide will also continue to embrace renewable energy and reduce its carbon emissions. The company will further expand its renewable hydrogen production capacity and develop new technologies for carbon capture and utilization.

Additionally, Air Liquide will leverage digital technologies to further optimize operations and enhance customer experience. The company will continue to develop digital solutions that enable real-time monitoring and control of its production facilities, as well as digital platforms that provide customers with greater visibility and control over their gas supply.

Conclusion: Francois Jackow’s lasting impact on the industrial gases sector

In conclusion, Francois Jackow has had a significant impact on the industrial gases sector through his role as the Executive Vice President of Air Liquide. His focus on innovation and sustainability has driven the company’s growth and positioned it as a leader in the industry.

Jackow’s commitment to embracing renewable energy, investing in research and development, streamlining operations, collaborating with partners, implementing digital solutions, fostering a culture of innovation, driving customer-centricity, promoting diversity and inclusion, and planning for the future has set Air Liquide apart from its competitors.

As Jackow continues to lead Air Liquide into the future, his vision for innovation and sustainability will undoubtedly shape the industrial gases sector and contribute to a more sustainable and efficient future.