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Question: How can one frame revenue growth through launching new products, offering new services, and entering new markets? Answer: Revenue growth is a critical aspect of any business’s…

How a Digitalized Industrial Gas Application Advice System Works?

The Digitalised Industrial Gas Application Advice System, often referred to as DIGAAS, is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the industrial gas sector. It is a system that…

How a Digitalized Industrial Gas Supply System Works?

A digitalised industrial gas supply system is a technologically advanced method of managing and controlling the supply of industrial gases. This system leverages digital technology to enhance efficiency,…

10 Power Strategies to Drive Long-term Industrial Gas Growth

This can be achieved through a combination of innovation, operational efficiency, and strategic partnerships. Additionally, expanding into new markets and investing in emerging technologies can also drive long-term…

Driving long-term profitable growth in the industrial gas industry

This can be achieved through a combination of innovation, operational efficiency, and strategic partnerships. Additionally, expanding into new markets and investing in emerging technologies can also drive long-term…

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Living in a Smart City

Introduction: What is a Smart City? A smart city is a city that uses technology and data to improve the quality of life for its residents, enhance sustainability,…


Geographical expansion refers to the process of a business extending its operations or presence into new regions or countries. This can be achieved through various means such as…

Cracking the ROIC Code: 33 Business Models that work

Cracking the ROICE (Return on Invested Capital Employed) code is a strategic approach that businesses employ to maximize their returns and ensure the sustainability of their operations. This…

ROIC Growth by Moving from Competing on Market Places to Shaping Market Spaces

Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) is a critical financial metric that measures the profitability and value-creating potential of a company. It is calculated by dividing the net operating…


Strategic Lever Changes: Industrial Gas Industry The industrial gas industry is a critical sector that plays a significant role in various industries, including healthcare, food and beverage, energy,…

Ecosystems in Use: The COLGATE-PALMOLIVE Ecosystem

Cracking the COLGATE-PALMOLIVE Ecosystem in Use The Colgate-Palmolive ecosystem is a complex, interconnected network of products, services, and stakeholders that work together to deliver value to consumers and…