The 1-Hour Digital Leader – How to Build Global Customer Base AND Sustained Sales Growth
The 1-Hour Digital Strategy helps you craft a strategy for attract global high value customers while generating profitable sales growth
Hello and Welcome,
Today we’ll learn how to craft our digital strategy in one day. Let’s get started
If you want to win the digital game in your sector after the corona crisis, then you need an innovative, new strategy that works. You will build your global customer base and generate sustained sales growth
A Digital Strategy makes your company expanding your global customer base while creating sustained profitable sales. You’ll follow a strategy that attracts global high value clients to whom your application experts provide online consultancy on demand. You’ll capture profitable sales growth from multiple revenue sources: online consultancy fees, member fees from your KnowHow Database and selling your application videos online
After crafting your digital application consultancy platform strategy components, you’ll design the digital strategy map that demonstrates the process from designing the business model to building your digital platform step-by-step.