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You’ve designed your home page, have created your first posts and attracted 100+ visitors to your website.
Now it’s time to create leads and turning them into coaching clients.

That’s why I created this 7 step process that helps to achieve your goal.
1. Create Lead Magnet
2. Create Landing Page
3. Create Lead Management System
4. Download Lead Magnet
5. Offer Free Strategy Session
6. Send Follow-up Emails
7. Set up Strategy Session.

1. Create Lead Magnet
First, you’ll create a lead magnet that is an incentive you offer to potential clients in exchange for their email address.
Lead magnets usually offer a piece of digital, downloadable content, such as free pdf checklists, reports, eBooks, whitepapers, learning videos etc.

2. Create Landing Page
You create a landing page for attracting visitors from search engines or social media platforms. The sole purpose of a landing page is to turn visitors into leads rapidly. You’ll achieve this goal by offering your downloadable lead magnet.

3. Create Lead Management System
Your lead management system makes it easy for your visitor to download your incentive rapidly. Visitors want immediate gratification, so the system has to work in a simple, straightforward way.
A functional order fulfilment system for digital goods consists of 5 parts:
1. The Landing Page
2. The High Effective Opt-in Form
3. Optin System
4. Immediate Access to Lead Magnet
5. Thank You Page

4. Downloadable Lead Magnet
After the visitor enters his name and email address, he can access the downloadable pdf file immediately.

5. Offer Free Strategy Session
In the THANK YOU PAGE when he signs up for the lead magnet, you can provide a short offer of a strategy session.

6. Send follow up emails
In the follow-up emails, you’d do a ” WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE.” question along with three follow-up emails:
1. What is your biggest challenge with this topic?
2. 3-5 Tips to turn your challenge into results rapidly
3. Need assistance?

7. Set up a Strategy Session
A strategy session (or free initial consultation) is a value-added meeting where you both:

  • Clarify the short-term goal
  • Outline options for reaching the goal
  • Give an action plan to achieve the goal
  • Or work on a specific problem he has with his business.

Discuss how you might be able to help further by working together in a paid capacity.