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Today we learn to learn effectively. We will use the Feynman method.
Richard Feynman was a leading physicist who won a Nobel Prize in quantum mechanics.
He was notorious for requiring other mathematicians to explain complex concepts in simple language to test their understanding.

First, choose a topic that interests you and start learning.

Once you know what it’s all about, write on a whiteboard as if you were explaining it to someone.

It is best to write and speak at the same time as a teacher does it on the blackboard

This lets you see which parts you understand and where you still have gaps.
Every time you get stuck, start all over again.

You do this until you can explain the topic from start to finish.

When you’re done, start the process all over again

This time, simplify your language and use a graphic analogy for your explanation

If your explanation is too cumbersome and confusing, you haven’t understood the topic well enough.

Then start all over again.

Visualizing a concept by explaining it makes this method very effective
As soon as you can explain a fact simply, you have fully understood it and YOU AND OTHER PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER IT FOR A LONG TIME.

5 Steps to Explain GRAVITY to a five-year-old child

  1. Choose your concept
    My concept is GRAVITY.
    I want to explain GRAVITY in two sentences, so every five-year-old child can understand what GRAVITY is
  2. Write down an explanation in plain English
    GRAVITY is the force that causes larger objectives to attract smaller objectives because of their mass and weight.
  3. Can you explain it?
    If you cannot explain it research it on Google and write it and draw it in a simple way!
  4. SHOW GRAVITY drawing a simple sketch
  5. Use the analogy of GRAVITY
    Gravity is like when you put your foot into a puddle and the leaves on the surface attract it because of the invisible attraction to the MASS OF THE FOOT. The attraction is GRAVITY