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The 1-Hour Business Model Transformation Leader – Creating Your Business Model in One Day

Josef David

Creating Your Business Model in One Day

To be successful in the digital age, business executives need to develop and execute innovative business models rapidly.

That’s why RapidKnowHow offers its The 1-Hour Business Model Execution System for creating your business model in one day.

Set Your Focus Objective

First, define your focus objective

Creating Your Business Model in One Day

Build a Performance System

Next, you’ll identify the lead measures which drive your actions towards your goal – the lag measures.

Lead Measure: Create Your Business Model by Using the Business Model Canvas

Lag Measure: Deliver Your Business Model in Eight Steps in One Day

Engage in Execution to Win

Establishing your business model development team for creating, the business model in eight steps in one day.

Designing Your Business Model Rapidly

Establishing a business development team of engaged, creative and committed business people to developing your business model rapidly

That’s why you need leading the process of building the commitment of each team member and the entire team to deliver the focus objective

The sessions provide the business development team to define the rationale of how your organization creates, offers, and captures value

The starting point for any good business model innovation meeting is a shared understanding of the business model canvas

Next, the team defines the customer segment, value proposition and how the company delivers value to its customer segment

Then you’ll outline the type of relationship with your clients and the types of revenue streams which generate a sustained income rapidly

Now the team describes the critical assets required to offer and deliver the previously described elements by performing some key activities

Outsource non-strategic activities to reliable partners

Finally, the business model elements result in the cost structure