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Austria The Corrupt Untertanenstaat

Austria the corrupt Untertanenstaat. Austria is part of the Putin system
Politicians, lobbyists, media people and banks are an integral part of the Putin system.
Their task is to strengthen and expand Austria as the hub of the Putin system.
Recently, ex-politicians have acted as lobbyists for China in order to acquire the intellectual and economic know-how of Austria cheaply!

Breaking Constitution and Executing Failed Strategy: Austria

The most important single quality of any government is to establish mutually beneficial relationships with its citizens

Any government that uses a dictatorial command and obey strategy fails sooner than later. Because people start being disobedient if the measures the government imposes on them, makes them poorer, insecure and threaten their health and their very future and those of their children.

Austria is a typical example of how do not create mutually beneficial relationships with its people but rather establish a confrontational climate which leads to tensions, confrontations and demonstrations of the civil society.

The 2nd Chancellor in the 4th Quarter 2021

The president inaugurated 2 governments in one quarter which turned the Austrian constitution into a real dictatorship. This is against the law and is simply ridiculous. The president did not even think about new elections, although that would have been the option that the thinking and unmanipulable people would have wanted.
Although the president talks about our constitution is safe, he himself breaks the law by inaugurating a person with a proven dictatorial background. He is due to be dismissed because of this very fact.

Forcing Power Strategy That Backfires

The governments execute their political power, supported by the media, the institutions. They joined forces to force people to obey their orders:

  • Wearing masques
  • Forced lockdowns
  • Forced vaccinations
  • Separate society

The government used the tax-sponsored media to control the message. The government-dependent media manipulated people towards forced vaccination using perfidy methods of journalism. These ruthless journalists must be removed from their professions as soon as possible.

Dictating Members What to Do: The Chambers and Unions

The worst stakeholders were the KAMMERSYSTEM which turned its actions against its members. They executed the government policy merciless.

The majority of the medical profession allowed themselves to be abused as compliant executors of the vaccination strategy of the Covid dictators. They served the mammon, not their conscience!
However! An increasing number of doctors and nurses are opposing this inhumane vaccination dictatorship!

Stopping Obeying Orders : People Taking THE LEAD

This leads the majority of people to stop cooperating because of the enormous social, economic and health damage the government measures caused to them and to the entire country.

The majority of people want to get rid of the covid politicians and the inhuman dictatorial system.

People aim at new elections due beginning 2022.

Furthermore, an increasing share of the population demands a covid tribunal because of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the covid politicians and their henchmen.

Restoring Democracy in Austria in 2022

While the US Administration takes firm measures to strengthen Democracy, Austria moves in the opposite direction to strengthen dictatorship. This is one of the major reasons why highly qualified people will leave the country in 2022.

If Austria wants to come on track again, then firm measures and actions have to be taken now!

Taking Actions to Establish Democracy in Austria

Here are the key actions to restore democracy in Austria:

  • Dismiss The Current Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen
  • Change the Corrupt Untertanensystem of Austria to a democracy
  • Nominate a council of “Weisenrat” wise men of integrity, international politicians who oversee the transformation process from dictatorship to democracy
  • Holding New Elections early 2022
  • Only Democrats of Integrity May Be Elected as Mandataries in the Future


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