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Today, we’ll learn how service procurement professionals develop evaluation criteria to recruit management consultants and coaches

How to Develop EC Criteria for Recruiting Management Consultants and Coaches

It is important to document the evaluation process in order to:

•Justify the Team’s decision

•Support your recommendation to upper management

•Using the evaluation criteria to establish a standard tool for evaluating management consultants and coaches

The teams develops the proposal evaluation criteria and weightings. 

First the team creates the RFP components: experience, service reliability and value delivered

Next, the team weights the Total Weighting of the three RFP components
Finally, the relative weighting of each sub-component should reflect the importance of each area in the final decision-making process.

Next, you design an EC Template with your team.

This is the first draft of your EC Evaluation Template:

Today, we’ve learned how service procurement professionals develop evaluation criteria to recruit management consultants and coaches. To Your Success!