Becoming The B2B Sustainability Leader- Establishing Sustainability Governance

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In March 2019, Judit Green took a moment to reflect on the state of her sustainability project. She had been appointed Vice President of Sustainability at Innova Gas on January 1st.

Driven by stakeholder demands the Board of Directors at Innova Gas has decided to establish the Sustainability Vice President function to demonstrate its strong commitment to sustainability development.

The board appointed Jack Turner as Sustainability Champion.
Jack has been working for Innova Gas since 1985.
He started as application engineer for the manufacturing industry.
His track record: Creating, Delivering and Capturing Sustainable Value.
That’s why Jack was appointed Sustainability Champion.
He selected Judit from within Innova Gas to lead the sustainability transformation.

Judit always demonstrated great care for people as Sales Manager for Central & Eastern Europe.
Her track record: Getting the Best Out of Sales People by Making them Succeed.
That’s why Jack appointed Judy to lead the sustainability business intiative at Innova Gas.

Jack asked Judit to present a solid business case by 20 April.

The Sustainability Business Case

First, Judit wants to get answered two questions:

  • What is a Business Case?
  • Why create a Business Case?

What is a Business Case

A business case answers the question: ” What happens if we take this course of action?”
For example, if you’ve created some sustainability opportunities, the sustainability champion might ask :

Which of these seven opportunities should we execute first to create cash-flows and enhance our credibility at our stakeholders rapidly.

A business plan, on the other hand, features long-range projections of revenues, expenses, business strategy, and other information.

Typically managers and executives use business plans to secure financing from investors or to plan strategy execution for an organization or business.

Why create a Business Case?

Developing a business case aims at solving a specific business problem.

It helps you to identify potential solutions to such problems, but also helps you sell your ideas to key decision makers, your organization and stakeholders effectively.

That’s why RapidKnowHow recommends to create a solid business case that generates sustained cash flow streams that establish credibility and trust at your key stakeholders rapidly.

Judit Gets Started

Now, Judit knows what a business case is and why to create it.

Next, she decides to develop a hands-on business case and action plan using RapidKnowHows two solutions:

  1. The Sustainability Strategy
  2. Turning the Sustainability Strategy into Quick Wins Rapidly.

Next, the sustainability team will outline the action guide,