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Leaders Who Care from Transnational Corporations Thrive Sustainability to Maximize the Impact on the Triple Bottom Line Effectively.

The Sustainability Program Team should persuade the top management champion and the board of directors to approve the sustainability transformation process and the first quick win project that generates cash-flow streams rapidly. The goal of our sustainability business case program is to provide a portfolio of sustainability initiatives which deliver cash-flows without major out-of-pocket investments in systems. Furthermore, it makes your company the sustainability leader in your sector by demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability by thriving stakeholder value through inspired and motivated people

The Leader Who Cares Delivers Sustainability Benefits Rapidly

The Leader Who Cares starts implementing the sustainability strategy to generate the first cash-flow stream within four weeks.

This approach to delivering measurable results rapidly increases her credibility at key stakeholders.

That’s why the program leader and her team decide to start implementing  the most valuable benefits rapidly.

How to Choose the Best Business Case to Deliver Benefits Rapidly

RapidKnowHow recommends the five-step process to choose the best business cases which deliver measurable benefits rapidly.

Step 1 – Analyse Business Cases

Step 2 – Validate Business Cases

Step 3 – Choose Best Business Cases to Deliver Benefits Rapidly

Step 4 – Get Approval

Step 5 – Get Started

Step 1 – Analyse Business Cases

First, the team analyses the business cases from the sustainable strategy blueprint.

The goal is to find out the business cases with the highest benefits in $/€.

The team proceeds straightforward.

One of the team members prepares a simple strategy map which highlights the benefits and the impact on the triple bottom line.

The team analyses and gets familiar with the drivers of each case.

The team uses the strategy map below.

Strategy Map: Analysing Sustainability Benefits:


Data Source: Bob Willard, The Sustainability Advantage, Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line;

Step 2 – Validate Business Cases

After being on the same page with all drivers, the team proceeds to validate the business case.

The goal is to validate and find out the business cases with the highest sustainability impact.

The team validates the benefits from step one and discusses the ease of implementation of each business case.

Strategy Map: Validating the Sustainability Benefits

Step 3 – Choose Best Business Cases to Deliver Benefits Rapidly

Finally, the team chooses the best business cases and defines key actions.

The goal is to identify the low-hanging fruits business cases which generate the highest cash-flow streams.

The team uses the strategy map to demonstrate the sustainability benefits impact on the triple bottom line.

Strategy Map: Transferring Benefits into Actions

Step 4 – Get Approval

Before getting started, the team will present the action plan to the sustainability champion of the top management.

The team leader will present:

  • The goal of the program
  • The three-step process and
  • How the team validated and the criteria for choosing the best business cases

Having received approval from the sustainability champion, the team appoints responsible members for implementing key actions..

Strategy Map: Setting up an Action Plan

Step 5 – Get Started

In this stage, the team act on the three solutions with the highest impact approved by the sustainability champion.

Beware – many projects stumble at this stage. Theories must become practices and commitments must become actions.

Check out if your team members receive adequate training, so the task is crystal clear to them.

It is also tempting at this stage to make last-minute changes using different solutions that suddenly seem better.

To take this path, be prepared to face the consequences. If the new solution doesn’t work, you’ll have to answer why.

Strategy Map: Getting into Actions to Deliver Quick Wins


Today, we’ve learned how to transfer our sustainability strategy into actions rapidly.

Next, we’ll outline the sustainability governing strategy.