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One of the biggest challenges for companies is to retain your leadership talents.

To retain your leadership talents, your company must offer interesting challenges, recognition and valuable packages.

That’s why leading companies establish specific leadership programs for retaining their leadership talents.

These companies offer lead roles in thriving strategic transformation programs such as becoming the stakeholder leader for sustainability.

How to Retain Your Sustainability Leadership Talents

There are two main processes to retain your sustainability leadership talents:

1. The Strategy Process: How to Retain Top Sustainability Talents

2. The Business Case: How to Get Buy-In for the Sustainability Program

The sustainability business map how to retain top sustainability leadership talents helps you to craft your strategy and show how retaining your top talents generates sustained cash flow streams.

1. The Strategy Process: How to Retain Top Sustainability Talents in 5 Steps

1. Create Your Sustainability Vision and Mission

First, you’ll create your sustainability vision and mission statement which expresses the ambition and intent of your organization.

Keep the final formulation simple – even though it does not embrace the whole complexity of the current or future situation.

Our stakeholders consider us as the leading sustainability company by thriving stakeholder value through people

2. Appoint Sustainability Top Management Champion

To demonstrate your commitment and credibility to thrive sustainability, you’ll appoint a sustainability champion from your top management team who is responsible for thriving the sustainability leadership process to create stakeholder value.

3. Appoint Program Leads

The Top Management Champion will choose and appoint program leads by using the leadership database of your company.

The sustainability program leads are responsible for establishing, executing and delivering the sustainability programs in time, quality and value.

4. Establish Sustainability Program Teams

The sustainability program leader establishes his multifunctional team with members from:

  • Operations
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Controlling
  • IT

The team’s first task is to create and execute a quick win initiative.

That way, the team establishes confidence and credibility into their capability to deliver results.

5. Get the Sustainability Program Started

Lastly, the team will present the quick win initiative to the top management champion for getting his approval.

2. The Business Case: How to Get Buy-In for the Sustainability Program

Getting Buy-In from the top management and functional heads of your program team members, the top management champion will create a simple business case that demonstrates the bottom line benefits of the program.

Sustainability Strategy: Retaining Top Sustainability Leadership Talents

Retaining Top Leadership talent is the most critical task for top management in the information age.

Losing top leadership talents to your competitor will undermine your competitiveness rapidly.

That’s why you must have a solid strategy to retain your top leadership talents. POINT!

Potential Benefits of Sustainability Leaders

Your leaders are experts in creating, delivering and capturing value.

They are eager and able to identify strategic opportunities and turn them in measurable results rapidly.

They deliver measurable results from initiatives that

  • Improve Processes
  • Minimize Costs
  • Increase Revenues

RapidKnowHow estimates from experience that one program lead can generate 500 thousand Dollars income per year at a  minimum.

Potential Costs of Sustainability Program Leaders

We’ve estimated the costs for a sustainability program leader to be 150 thousand Dollars per year.

Net Cash Flow Delivered by One Leader/Year

The simple formula is: Estimated Income per Program Lead  – Estimated Costs per Program Lead

500 thousand Dollars – 150 thousand Dollars = 350 thousand Dollars Net Cash Flow per Leader and Year

Some of you might argue: But what’s about the expenses for the other team members. Well, RapidKnowHow recommends to allocate these costs as training expenses at the team member cost center, because team members learn a new competence: Learning in Action ; and they learn new skills such as program management, strategy development, business case creation, stakeholder communication and  turning objectives into measurable results rapidly.


Today, we’ve learned why it’s important to retain your top leaders in your organization. We’ve discovered strategies for retaining top leaders and business cases highlighting the benefits and impact on the bottom line.