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It is a fact that a successful digital transformation of your business requires a robust and visible commitment from top management.

Busy executive managers want insight into key success strategies to save time and money and minimise business risk.

That’s why we’ve developed this short blog post to quickly give you insight into the critical success strategies and how to evaluate the way companies are implemented.

Center of Creative Leadership. did the research

Survey Highlights

The result of the study shows an apparent problem: Lack of leadership in the development and implementation of the digital transformation.

Top 5 Leadership Strategies organisation apply in their Digital Transformation Journey

Therefore, it is necessary for top management to communicate a clear preference for the development and implementation of a digital transformation strategy.
Through concrete actions, such as setting up a digital transformation program, which will be communicated to all stakeholders as a strategic program, the transformation process will be effectively launched.

5 Digital Transformation Strategies That Work

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1. Clear Digital Roadmap

Where do we stand today?
The first point is to set the current situation. What digital initiatives have we been starting and what is the result.

Where do we want to go?
A measurable annual target, divided into quarterly goals, is the next concrete task of the management team.

How do we reach the destination?
Finally, the 3-4 most important activities are defined to achieve the annual target and the quarterly goals.

2. Bottom Line Metrics

RapidKnowHow proposes to set so-called low hanging fruits as first targets, which are goals that can be easily reached by the project group in a short time, without endangering the sustainable goals.
Typical examples are: developing a website, starting a business blog or setting up an e-commerce shop.

3. Business Units Connected

To successfully implement the digital transformation, we propose to establish a Program Team.
The project leader should have leadership skills coming from the business. The team should consist of functional experts from sales, purchasing, controlling and IT.

4. Technology Platforms

The technology platforms should deliver the necessary information quickly and effectively. A well-functioning, timely Sales Performance Management System is particularly crucial for the first phase of the project as the priority is to identify the most innovative and commercially best customers quickly.

5. Expertise and Skills

In the digital age, we learn new knowledge in an action-oriented way. Problems are solved with the simple framework action-oriented: 1. What is problem 2. Why does the problem exist? 3. What is the best solution 4? Implement the best answer 5. Why did the solution work, or not work? 6. What next.



Only 10% of organisations agree to apply an effective digital transformation strategy. That’s why we have created this short blog to recommend effective strategies to get started effectively.

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