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The One-Hour Career Leader – 5 Business Models to Sell Your Know-How Rapidly

Hello and Welcome!

In this Strategy Workshop, we’ll get to know five entrepreneur models that will help you to quickly turn your know-how into an entrepreneur model opportunity.

Do you know this situation?
Your company plans to take over a competitor.

Of course, before the acquisition, it is said that the new company will be able to make much better use of global opportunities because the synergies of the two companies fit so well together.

If you have lived through the reality then you know how this process works in practice. You always think, thank God I can keep my job. THIS TIME.

There are of course alternatives to this model. These are not easy, require a willingness to change your mindset and move out of the current comfort zone.

Are you ready? Then we have developed for you five business models that will help you to offer your expertise as an entrepreneur if you want worldwide.

Before you start, think carefully about which target group you want to offer your services.

Naturally, you are best received at those companies where you have successfully implemented your knowledge in the past and where you know people whom you’ve helped to solve a problem. Create a simple list of companies and people you want to start with.

Of course, if you’re on LinkedIn, you can start with your LinkedIn network.

Now we will introduce five business models to help you quickly develop and implement your own business model.

Entrepreneur Model One: The Sales Strategy Adviser

If you are an experienced sales executive, then you have the potential to offer your experience to young salespeople looking to become sales managers in the near future.

Above all, your experience as a mentor and coach in the development of younger salespeople is very much in demand.

The business model will help you reach your goal easily and quickly.

It targets young salespeople who want to develop themselves as Sales Managers.

He wants to become a specialist in selling value.

You offer seminars and workshops in value selling.
The best would be to target people and companies that you’ve successfully served in the past.

Entrepreneur Model Two: The Operations Cash-Flow Strategy Adviser

If you are an experienced operations manager, then you have the potential to offer your experience to young operations executives looking to become operations managers in the near future.

Above all, your expertise in optimizing operations by improving the operating cash-flow is very much in demand.

The business model will help you reach your goal easily and quickly.

It targets young operation executives who want to become Operations Managers.

They want to become specialists in improving the operating cash flow rapidly and sustainably.

You offer seminars and workshops in operating cash-flow improvement.

Of course,  best would be to target people and companies that have cash-flow problems.

Entrepreneur Model Three: The Change Strategy Adviser

If you are an experienced change manager, then you have the potential to offer your experience to company owners and top executives looking to turn around their declining business rapidly and sustainably.

The business model helps you reach your goal easily and quickly.

You’ll target owners of medium-size companies who want to turnaround their businesses rapidly and sustainably.

They want to get a specialist to advise in crafting and implementing a turnaround strategy.

You’ll offer interim management assignments.

Of course,  best would be, if you’d target people and companies that have declining businesses and cash-flow problems.

Entrepreneur Model Four: The Value Strategy Adviser

If you are experienced business development and sales manager, then you have the potential to offer your know how to company owners and top executives looking to become better in creating, delivering and capturing value from their customers.

Above all, your expertise in establishing sales performance management models successfully is very much in demand

The business model will help you reach your goal easily and quickly.

You’ll target sales managers of medium-sized companies who want to turn their current commodity selling model into a value selling model.

They want to get a specialist to advise in crafting and implementing a sales performance management system effectively.

You offer one-to-one workshops to your clients.
Naturally,  best would be to target people and companies that have declining sales, profits and cash-flow problems.

Entrepreneur Model Five: The Business Modelling Strategy Adviser

If you are an experienced business development executive, then you have the potential to offer your experience to companies and solopreneurs who want to start their own ventures and need support in creating and evaluating breakthrough business models rapidly.

Above all, your expertise in crafting breakthrough business models successfully is very much in demand.

The business model that will help you reach your goal easily and quickly.

You’ll target entrepreneurs who want to create and validate their new business model rapidly and sustainably.

They want to get specialist advice in creating and validating breakthrough business models quickly.

Get Started

Today, we’ve learned five entrepreneur models that will help you to quickly turn your expertise into a business opportunity.
I wish you All Success