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If You Want to Reinvent Your Business Model to Become the Digital Leader in Your Sector, You Will Want Taking Advantage of Your Existing and New Digital Capabilities
Here are top 10 strategic questions to answer, before starting your strategic digital transformation activity.

1. What is Your Company’s Current Positioning in the Digital World (SWOT Analysis)

2. Which Strategic Objectives Can You Achieve with Your Current Capabilities

3. Which New Digital Objectives Can You Reach with Your New Digital Strategy

4. Which Current Capabilities Can You Use

5. Which New Digital Capabilities Should You Create

6. How Can You Combine Both Capabilities to Transform Your Company and Reach Your Business Objectives

7. What Changes Should You Introduce to the Technological, Operative and the Business Model

8. What Investments are Required to Achieve the Desired Objectives?

9. Which is the Associated Financial Plan (Sales Increase – Direct Costs – Investments = Cash Flow)

10. Which e-Commerce Action Plan Should You Execute First as Part of the Overall Digital Transformation Program

I recommend discussing these 10 strategic questions with your top management team before setting up your digital transformation program.

To your success – Josef

Josef David specializes in creating and implementing innovative digital business strategies. He helps business leaders to turn them into transformation programs rapidly. His focus is on generating quick, but sustainable business results.

Josef has started with digital business strategy creation and implementation in 2000 – 2002 for a global DAX 30 company where he created the digital strategy and led the global digital transformation program consisting of more than 20 e-commerce projects of a post-merger company that generated quick cash flows that financed the program.

Since 2002, Josef has created and implemented dozens of digital strategies and digital projects that generated rapid results. He specializes with his RapidKnowHow platform on transferring your digital gaols into results rapidly by offering :

  • Creating innovative digital business models
  • Crafting your digital business strategy
  • Creating digital business solutions that generate income rapidly


The RapidKnowHow Digital Leader Transformation Strategy

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