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In this short and last video workshop on strategic partnership delivered, we’ll create the implementation plan with our primary service provider. Let’s get started

How to Establishing Your Strategic Partnership Rapidly

You’ll setting up a strategic session with your chosen primary service provider where you’ll agree on the program outline and preferably create an implementation plan to be issued to the affected stakeholders of both companies.

Top 3 Tasks to Do

Here’re the top 3 tasks to do:
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Task 1 – Setting up the Strategy Session

Task 2 – Holding the Strategy Session

Task 3 – Creating the Implementation Plan

Task 1 – Setting up the Strategy Session

You’ll organize a strategic session with your chosen industrial gas service provider where you’ll reach mutual commitment for the industrial gas service program.

You’ll also develop the implementation plan together.


Task 2 – Holding the Strategy Session

You’ll review the proposal from your chosen primary service provider to clarify any open questions.

You’ll specifically emphasize those points why you’ve chosen the supplier as your future strategic business partner for optimizing the total cost of ownership of the entire industrial gas supply chain.

Clarify any open questions at this stage.

Task 3 – Creating the Implementation Plan

Your goal is to transfer the current supplier model to a strategic partnership model.

Your objective is to optimize the total cost of ownership of the entire industrial gas supply chain.

You’ll discuss and agree on top 3 actions for year one.

Next you’ll create the implementation plan to be issued to all major stakeholders of both companies.

In this short  and final video workshop of this series, we’ve  organized and carried out a strategic session with your primary service provider. You’ve achieved consensus on the implementation plan.

Now it’s your turn! Wish You All Success! Thanks for Sharing.