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Hello and Welcome!

In this short video workshop we’ll select your primary service provider rapidly. Let’s get started

How to Select Your Primary Service Provider Effectively

You’ll ask your bidders’ past and current customers for their input, then you’ll down select bidders to one or tow preferred service providers, next you’ll present your proposal to the upper management champion for approval.

Top 3 Tasks to Do

Here’re the top 3 tasks to do:
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Task 1 – Gather Information

Task 2 – Down Select Bidders

Task 3 – Present Proposal and Get Approval

Task 1 – Gather Information

All Evaluation up to this point will have been based on information the bidders have provided to you.

A critical part of the evaluation process is to talk with bidders past and current customers.

This exercise will provide the only third party perspective on a bidder you’ll have.

It’s therefore an extremely important step.

Task 2 – Down Select Bidders

After finishing your inquiry with bidders references using the tool on slide 6 in the video workshop, the team will careate a presentation for the top management champion for approval – see slide 7 for a sample.

Task 3 – Present Proposal and Get Approval

Ideally the upper management champion has been keeping abreast of the progress.

Therefore, the presentation should focus on a :

  • Clear rationale of why the team has selected the service providers, and the
  • Complete cost-benefit analysis

After receiving the approval, the team will go ahead with negotiations.


In this short video workshop, we’ve  selected our primary service provider rapidly and received approval from the top management champion.

Now it’s your turn! Wish You All Success! Thanks for Sharing.