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You’re a logistics manager or procurement executive who wants to turning your buyer : supplier relationships into a strategic partnership rapidly.

Today, we’ll discover how I set up a breaktrough supply chain strategy for helping achieving your goal.
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You’ll learn a consistent and proven step-by-step strategy on how I achieve the result.  I’ll demonstrate how to turn theory into action rapidly. Let’s Get Started!

5 Breakthrough Supply Chain Strategies for Supply Chain Leaders

Defining  Target Group

My target group are procurement managers and logistics managers who want to lead a supply chain project for optimizing total cost of ownership. They want to turn buyer : supplier business relations into a strategic partnership rapidly.


Creating  Content

Next , I’ll create content that will assist my target group to achieving it’s goal. I’ll create an action guide, video workshops, blog posts, LinkedIn posts, YouTube Videos to help professionals get access to actionable content anywhere and anytime.


Build Channels to Reach My Target Group

I’ll promote my content to my target group through the following online channels: – My Website:, LinkedIn Posts and Sharing Function, My RapidKnowHow YouTube Channel , Google,Twitter.


Generate Sustained Income

My aim is to helping supply chain project leaders to achieve their target rapidly and efficiently. I’ll provide action guides and video workshops for free and paid online coaching.



My goal is to attract leaders who want to help their companies to become the supply chain leader in their business sector. My Key Performance Indicators : # of Contacts from Supply Chain Project Leaders via my website, # of Connection requests on LinkedIn


In this short post, we’ve outlined the key strategies for building my online supply chain leadership model rapidly. My goal is to connecting with supply chain leaders rapidly. Thanks for Sharing!
