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RapidGas Sustainability Leadership System – Turning from the Shareholder Value Manager to The Sustainability Leader

The current Corona Crisis drives the conversion from the neoliberal system towards the sustainability model.

Industrial Gas Leaders thrive their shareholder value model to the sustainability leadership model in 2020+

That’s why RapidKnowHow developed the RapidGas SUSTAINABILITY LEADER SYSTEM that helps industry leaders to succeed.

First, appoint your leaders who care to drive the sustainability process.

Next, you move from delivering shareholder value to creating stakeholder value.

Finally, you’ll move from head-to-head competition to creating the NEW MARKETSPACE.

To implement the sustainability leadership model effectively, business leaders thrive their top-down organisation model toward the learning organisation in 2020+.
Business owners choose their sustainability leaders who learn in action by creating and implementing innovative business models rapidly and share their know-how with stakeholders openly.

The Industrial Gas Leader Goal – From Supplier Business to THE MARKETSPACE CREATOR

Your strategic goal is to transform the industrial gas supplier business into the high-performance, low-cost Industrial Gas Stakeholder MarketSpace

The Industrial Gas Leader Strategy – From Supplier to THE MARKETSPACE CREATOR

Your strategy is to turn from the industrial gas supplier into the Industrial Gas MarketSpace Creator

The Industrial Gas Strategic Action – From Molecule Selling to The Cost-Optimizer Consultant

Your first strategic action is to transform from industrial gas seller to the industrial gas cost-optimizer consultant business model

The Industrial Gas Strategic Action – From Supply Chain Leader to The Sustainability Leader

Next, you’ll transform from the industrial gas supply chain leader business to the sustainability leader business model

The Industrial Gas Learning Organisation – From Function Organisation to THE LEARNING ORGANISATION

To implement the sustainability leadership model effectively, business Leaders thrive their top-down organisation model toward the learning organisation in 2020+

Choose your sustainability leaders who transform the top-down organisation into a learning organisation by learning in action rapidly.

The RapidKnowHow Business Model

If you want to achieve your strategic objective rapidly, then you need a practical business model to succeed

Apply the RapidKnowHow Business Model to achieve your strategic objectives rapidly and effectively.

To Your Success