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Your goal is to become the digital leader in your sector rapidly.
Your objective is to create strategic partnerships with your most innovative stakeholders within the next three months.

That’s why you need a practical framework to achieve your goal.

RapidKnowHow offers a framework to turn your objective into results rapidly. – To Your Success – Josef

The Digital Leader Checklist

Top 5 Success Factors for Thriving Digital Leadership Rapidly and Sustainably 


1. Vision and Misson

The Vision Statement identifies all the stakeholders of your organization ( customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, partners, society). Define your time horizon 1 to 3 years. You can call the vision “ambition” or “intent” instead. These words are less likely to bring cynicism.
Brainstorm the visions specific to each stakeholder.

Ask the question: In x Years (the time horizon), how we would like (the stakeholders) to see us?

The vision statement should be stretching but achievable.

The Mission Statement should describe the value proposition or solution. It should be credible, short and memorable. It should be relevant.

Example: RapidKnowHow’s Mission Statement: Thriving Digital Leadership, we provide rapid breakthrough strategies and digital solutions to the world-wide service industry.

2. Top Management Champion

To thrive leadership at your company, you’ll appoint a top management champion. The top management champion leads the transformation process proactively. He/She identifies what needs to be done and actively moves forward with a plan; he plans ahead rather than responding after the fact; sees and acts on opportunities; regularly scans the business environment for changes that would impact the leadership of your business.

His goal is to build and coach leadership talent towards thriving the digital transformation process effectively and efficiently.

3. Program Management

The Top Management champion establishes the program management framework in your organization.

The program framework consists of:

  1. Strategic Objectives for the program for the current and coming business year
  2. Opportunity Scoring Map to assess the priority of each project proposal
    • Business Goals
    • Impact
    • Strategic Potential
    • Customer Impact
    • Competitive Opportunity
    • Risk Evaluation
    • Cash Flow
  3.  Key Project Follow-up for leading the program based on facts.
    • Project Name
    • Project Leader and Team
    • Opportunity Score
    • Risk Score
    • Cash Flow Planned versus Delivered
    • Timing (Green, Yellow, Red)

4. Program Leader

The top management champion appoints the program leader who establishes the multifunctional program team.

It is important to discuss the availability of each team member with the person and his responsible manager up front.

The program leader crafts the program strategy and action plan. He is responsible for managing the program towards delivering the objectives.

5. Stakeholder Value

The program team establishes a key performance management system for measuring stakeholder value.

The team can use this simple checklist to manage stakeholder value effectively: (Source: EFQM Excellence One Toolbox)


  • Best Value for Money
  • Innovative Supplier
  • Breakthrough Business Solution Provider
  • Reliable ( time, scope, quality, costs, assessment)
  • High Contribution to Product Development
  • Ongoing Contact


  • Attract and Develops Leaders
  • Empowerment
  • Fair Recognition
  • Career Opportunities
  • Employees are Proud of Being With Us


  • Fair Return on Investment
  • Potential for Growth
  • Solid Brand
  • Ability to Handle Risks and Difficult Situations if They Arise


  • Fair Partner
  • No Interference in Internal Affairs
  • Offers Improvement Opportunities
  • Willing to Co-operate
  • Demanding on Cost and Quality
  • Building Strategic Partnership


  • High Involvement in Education
  • Role Model in a Few Key Areas
  • Ethical Company
  • Care for Safety, Health, and Environment
  • Practical Involvement in Local Activities
  • Focus on Achieving and Communicating Sustainability Goals

Getting Started

Next, you’ll implement the digital leadership framework in your organization. RapidKnowHow can assist you in getting started rapidly. – To Your Success, Josef