Becoming The Industrial Gas Leader – Action Guide to Becoming the Stakeholder Leader Rapidly

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RapidKnowHow for Industrial Gas Leaders
How to Become the Stakeholder Leader Rapidly

If you want to create, deliver and capture value in the digital age, you can create online business models that make you deliver your goal rapidly.
That’s why we’ve created this breakthrough business modeling strategy to help you achieve your goal rapidly and sustainably.

1. Create the Business Model to Become the Stakeholder Leader Rapidly

Becoming the stakeholder leader rapidly in the industrial gas sector is an effective way to build global leadership.

Here is the business model that turns your goal into the business model that highlights how you create, deliver and capture value.

Creating Value
Providing a digital solution for optimizing the total cost of ownership of the entire industrial supply chain

Delivering Value
Demonstrating a business case on how to optimize the total cost of ownership of the industrial gas supply modes (cylinders, pallets, bulk, on-site)

Capturing Value
Capturing value from recurring service revenues, in-house seminars, and online webinars

Creating The Business Model: Become the Stakeholder Leader Rapidly

Customer Segments Who needs your value proposition
Your goal is to build strategic partnerships with our most innovative stakeholders.
You’ll target the most innovative stakeholders (customers, suppliers, and partners).

Value Proposition Who we provide value
Your value proposition is to provide a digital solution for optimizing the total cost of ownership of the entire industrial gas supply chain.

Channels How we deliver value to our target clients effectively
The most effective way is to demonstrate a business case on how to optimize the total cost of ownership of the industrial gas supply modes ( cylinders, packaged gas, liquid supply, on-site). You’ll demonstrate the trade-off of each supply mode.

Customer Relationships How we interact
You use three ways of building and nurturing our customer relationships:

  1. LinkedIn for connecting with existing, former clients rapidly
  2. Phone conversation to provide insight into our business model and how it helps our target clients
  3. Face to Face conversation to demonstrate the business case and how it helps to improve the cash-flow

Revenue How we capture value
You generate revenue from three sources:

  1. Recurring growing income from industrial gas service fees that include volume sales and service fees
  2. In-House Seminars: We can offer In-House Seminars for Operation Managers on How to Optimize Total Cost of Ownership of the Entire Industrial Gas Supply Chain ( procurement, order fulfillment, delivery, quality control, internal stock, use, )
  3. Online Webinars to provide insight into new applications, business solutions that optimize the total cost of ownership.

Key Resouces How we manage our value delivery
You create an online platform: Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership of the Entire Industrial Gas Supply Chain. The main resources are the brand, the content management system, the business blog, the communication tools, and the order fulfillment process.

Key Activities How we create value
The most important activity is to develop and maintain the platform. Aside from platform development and maintenance,  experts from operations and marketing will create, publish and promote the tutorials, videos, audios, action guides, and apps.

Key Partners Who helps
RapidKnowHow offers one-stop services for creating, delivering and capturing value from the Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership of the Entire Industrial Gas Supply Chain Business Model. Our experts have more than 35 years of experience in building and growing offline and online businesses successfully.

Costs What you spend
You’ll spend out of the pocket costs for licensing the program and consulting fees. These fees will be covered by additional income streams from the business model, so you’ll generate positive cash-flows rapidly. A business case demonstrates that financial impact at your convenience.



2. Sell and Deliver Your Consulting Services

The next step is to sell and deliver your consulting service to your chosen most innovative stakeholders. We’ll use our rapid selling template below


The competitive landscape of the industrial gas industry is changing right now. Smart industrial gas leaders thrive digital leadership to become the global digital leader of the industrial gas sector rapidly and sustainably.

There will be an opportunity to establish business relations with most innovative stakeholders (suppliers, partners, customers) to build strategic partnerships to optimize the total cost of ownership of the entire industrial gas supply chain. RapidKnowHow provides a business model to deliver this goal rapidly and sustainably.

Problem Solving

The industrial gas companies are very competent in helping their clients decreasing the costs of operations and decreasing safety, health and environmental risks. Most industrial gas companies have the competence in consulting selling needed to sell and deliver value to their most innovative stakeholders.

Business Offer

The goal of the industrial gas company is to become the supply chain leader in a segment ( manufacturing, process or health-care).
You join forces with your most innovative stakeholders and create a program for optimizing total cost of ownership of the entire industrial gas supply chain.
The goal is to become the primary service provider and strategic partner of the end-user of your industrial gas and service offerings.

Finding Clients

Choose clients with whom you have long-term friction-free relationships on management and operational level.
The preferred clients are those with whom you work on new application development.

Selling and Delivering Services

The first step is to sign an exclusive strategic partnership agreement with your end-user client on optimizing the total cost of ownership of a specific product, supply mode or the entire scope of industrial gases and services.


You will commit to optimizing the entire industrial gas supply chain costs ( ordering, supply mode, internal storage, use, and SHE control).
You can share the profit with your strategic partner. Or you charge a management fee. The purchase cost of industrial gases is passed through to the end-user company.

You can also create and sell online products ( ebooks, videos, apps ) and related one-to-one coaching and consulting offerings.