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You’re the top management of a thriving industrial company. You have decided to start your digital business initiative next month.
Your goal is to manage the trade-off between sustaining the status-quo of running your current stable, growing business model and thriving your digital business initiative.
That’s why I write this post to help you get started rapidly.

Top 3 Digital Strategies to Get Out in Front and Create Stakeholder Value
Here’s our three-step process to get started rapidly, develop new innovative value propositions that never offered before, test them on the marketplace whether they create value and income quickly.

1. Establish Digital Leadership
2. The Agile Digital Leadership System – The One Hour Digital Leader
3. Create Stakeholder Value Rapidly

1. Establish Digital Leadership

The most successful companies start with establishing a leadership system . The leadership system consists of the digital champion from top management and high potentials from within the organisation who manage the digital business initiative.
The goal of the digital leadership team is to create, test and develop 3-5 new innovative digital value propositions per month.

2. The Agile Digital Leadership System – The One Hour Digital Leader

You’ll use a rapid go-to-market business system so as our one-hour digital leader success formula to assist your leadership team in creating the innovative business model rapidly, start testing it on the marketplace and make sales in one month.

The integrated approach to the marketplace is indeed characteristic of those companies that do best in the new digital world.

3. Create Stakeholder Value Rapidly

It is not the digitization of processes but the outright optimization of the entire value chain that creates stakeholder value.

Leading companies aim at establishing strategic partnerships with their most innovative customers and suppliers to thrive this process.

You’ll want to create a total cost of ownership model that reduces the cost of the entire value chain from buying to producing and selling while increasing the environment, safety and health.

Creating and nurturing strategic partnerships with your most innovative suppliers and customers is the most effective way to generate sustainable stakeholder value in the digital age.

Getting Started Successfully

To get started successfully, don’t discuss at lengths the number of investments in your current IT system, don’t even consider making IT responsible for running the project.
Establish this three-step process to get started rapidly, learn what your clients need, adjust your value proposition quickly, generate quick wins in lowering total cost of ownership.
However, deliver your new value through your existing business processes and systems.

You’ll do a lot of experiments with new value propositions, digital products and innovative business models to learning by doing what works on the market. That’s a useful and straightforward way to de-risking your digital business initiative.

Wish You All Success!