Hello and Welcome!
Today we‘ll learn how Austria’s disastrous covid strategy and management leads to a detached population and to a division of society, economic damage, and the opposition of the driving forces in society that are supposed to lead the economic upswing (the entrepreneurial people and NOT the bureaucrats).
From day one, the Austrian politicians have used a strategy of coercion and fear in order to make the citizens fearful so that they follow their regulations without objection! They wanted to control the population by imposing laws, and restrictions supported by perfidious propaganda methods of the mainstream media.
Austrian people are smart, social, and adaptable to unusual situations and people. So ideal PARTNERS to overcome a pandemic TOGETHER. The incompetent and destructive politicians have NOT considered this simple but crucial fact and have taken the authoritarian path that leads to disaster. THEY alone are responsible for the immense short-term and long-term damage! Therefore they have to go before a Covid tribunal!
They are the Masters of Disaster and nothing else!
Austria: The Way Forward 2022
In order to get out of the disaster, those responsible have to be dismissed from their political positions because they have neither the ability nor the trust of the people to create the recovery.
The Austrian house needs to be cleaned with the Kärcher!
The upswing can only be created by politicians with integrity and who enjoy the trust of the people!
Let‘s get started!
Austria imposed wearing masks. So far, most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as source control.
The PCR tests: The highly sensitive PCR tests are prone to producing false positive or false negative results (e.g. after acute infection). Overall, PCR and antigen mass testing had no impact on infection rates in the general population (exception: to sustain border controls).
The Austrian Government destroyed people’s economical basis by imposing lockdowns.
Lockdowns: In contrast to early border controls (e.g. by Australia), lockdowns had no significant effect on infection rates. However, according to the World Bank lockdowns caused a “historically unprecedented increase in global poverty” of close to 100 million people.
The Austrian government and the house of parliament imposed forced vaccination.
Vaccine protection: Covid vaccines provide a very high, but rapidly declining protection against severe disease. Vaccination cannot prevent infection and transmission. A prior infection generally confers superior immunity compared to vaccination (in part due to mucosal immunity).
Vaccine injuries: Covid vaccinations can cause severe and fatal vaccine reactions, including cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological reactions. Because of this, the risk-benefit ratio of covid vaccination in healthy children and adults under 40 years of age remains controversial.
Excess mortality: In most countries, the pandemic increased mortality by about 5% to 25%. Some of the additional deaths were caused not by covid, but by indirect effects of the pandemic and lockdowns (including an increase in drug overdose deaths).
The Austrian Government divided the society by imposing lockdowns for non-vaccinated people.
In 22 people start fighting against these dictatorial measures. The goal is to re-establish democracy and get the responsible covid dictators before the court, charged with crimes against humanity
Source: Swiss Policy Research
Take Away
The Covid Pandemic made it clear: Human Beings are the most important assets of our society to make our blue planet sustainable. Integre Leaders who choose and grow people that make our world a better place are in urgent need.
If the mean politicians in Austria remain in office, the divided society will lead to radicalization because the people no longer support the transformation of wealth to the rich because they do not want to slide into their own poverty. Institutions such as commercial chambers and trade unions will not support them in their fight for justice.
In order to be successful in the long term, Austria must apply its active policy of neutrality together with an eco-social market economy