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In these short strategy video, we‘ll learn how to lead your company from the industrial age into the digital age. Enjoy!

Get Out in Front in your sector by transforming your industrial mindset into a digital business mindset

John Mayor, the business strategy manager has got a challenging task! His CEO Ken Driver wants to transform the company‘s industrial mindset into the digitalized mindset fast

One day John had an idea: Why not contact Josef David, a seasoned industrial gas expert who is an expert in digitalized business model transformations

Hi, Josef John Mayor here, can you help me to create a transformation strategy to a digitalized  B2B model?

Sure John Here is my proven, practical business model that I‘ve implemented for a DAX 30 company for a merger-integration program in 2000.

The RapidKnowHow Industrial Transformation Start-up Model


John Major is convinced that Josef can help him because he is walking the talk which means he did what John needs to do.