Thriving Sales Leadership
If you want to become the sales leader in your sector, then you need to move from the sales protector to the sales driver.
Apply the RapidKnowHow Model: THRIVING SALES LEADERSHIP to move from the sales protector to the sales driver.
To Your Success, Josef David
Discover the four directions to move to the sales driver!
4 Steps to Move from The Sales Protector to The Sales Driver
If you want to move to the Sales Driver, then move these four directions:
1.From The Sales Protector to The Sales Optimizer
2.From The Sales Optimizer to The Sales Driver
3.From The Protector to The Niche Developer
4.From The Niche Developer to The Sales Driver
Today, we’ll learn how to move from the sales protector to the sales driver step-by-step. Let’s Get Started
- Moving From The Sales Protector to The Niche Developer
If your company creates value for a specific customer segment, then you’ll apply this strategic move.
The Sales Protector secures the present business by increasing sales to existing customers by:
- Improving Customer Satisfaction
- Increasing Number of Contracts Renewed
- Increasing Number of New Contracts
The Niche Developer increases sales to a specific segment by offering solutions that increase productivity, safety, health and environment of customer’s processes by:
- Increasing Number of Demo Contracts and New Sales
- Increasing Number of Value Visits i.e. visits to demonstrate specific business cases to optimize customer’s processes
- Increasing Number of Demo Visits with your Application Specialist
- Moving From The Niche Developer to The Sales Driver
If your company provides bundle of proprietary products and services that create value for specific customer segments, then you’ll roll out them across countries, regions and customer segments thereby becoming the fast-track implementer.
The Niche Developer increases sales to a specific segment by offering solutions that increase productivity, safety, health and environment of customer’s processes by:
- Increasing Number of Demo Contracts and New Sales
- Increasing Number of Value Visits i.e. visits to demonstrate specific business cases to optimize customer’s processes
- Increasing Number of Demo Visits with your Application Specialist
The Sales Driver increases sales to a specific country, region and customer segment by:
- Being Fastest in Turning Opportunities into Sales
- Identifying and Developing Strategic Customers
- Running Global Campaigns to Building The New MarketSpace Rapidly
- Moving From The Sales Protector to The Sales Optimizer
If your company is the leading operations-efficiency solution provider in your sector, then you’ll apply this strategic move. Your goal is to increase sales profitability by moving from product supplier to the supply-chain cost optimizer.
The Sales Protector secures the present business by increasing sales to existing customers by:
- Improving Customer Satisfaction
- Increasing Number of Contracts Renewed
- Increasing Number of New Contracts
The Sales Optimizer increases sales profitability by:
- Increasing Prices
- Reducing Discounts
- Reducing Customer Debts
- Reducing Costs
- Increasing Services Fees
- Moving From The Sales Optimizer to The Sales Driver
If your company is the leading operations-efficiency provider in your sector, then you’ll drive the optimization of the total cost of ownership by creating strategic partnerships with chosen customers. They have a well- established supply-chain management organization.
The Sales Optimizer increases sales profitability by:
- Increasing Prices
- Reducing Discounts
- Reducing Customer Debts
- Reducing Costs
- Increasing Services Fees
The Sales Driver increases sales to a specific country, region and customer segment by:
- Being Fastest in Turning Opportunities into Sales
- Identifying and Developing Strategic Customers
- Running Global Campaigns to Building The New Market Space Rapidly
Thriving Sales Leadership
So, if you want to become the sales driver in your sector, then you need to move from the sales protector to the sales driver!
Today we’ve learned the 4 Steps to Move from The Sales Protector to The Sales Driver
1.From The Sales Protector to The Sales Optimizer
2.From The Sales Optimizer to The Sales Driver
3.From The Protector to The Niche Developer
4.From The Niche Developer to The Sales Driver
Let’s Get Started. To Your Success
RapidKnowHow provides leadership strategies to get you out in front.