Category: Political LeaderPage 42 of 44

Thriving Democracy in the Digital Age by learning from History

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader – The Covid Preventive Care Program

Servus Demokraten! Heute möchte ich mein Covid Preventive Care Programm präsentieren, welches das Ziel hat die Menschen vorbeugend zu informieren und das Vertrauen zwischen Patient und Arzt wieder…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader ÖSTERREICH: Von der Demokratie zur RealDiktatur

Servus Demokraten,Heute lernen wir das System kennen, das die niederträchtigen COVIDDIKTATOREN anwenden, um unser demokratisches Land Österreich in eine RealDiktatur umzuwandeln COVIDDIKTATUR – Vom Angst machen zur Isolation…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader 2022 The BLACKOUT SYSTEM

After 20 and 21 were the years of scare tactics, isolation, lockdowns, compulsory vaccinations, social division;2022 will be the year of #BlackOuts: communications, energy, goods, money BlackOuts, combined…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader How to Avoid Stakeholder Value Destruction in Covid Times

Today we’ll learn how to create sustainable stakeholder value and avoid using the wrong strategy in covid times which destroys sustainable stakeholder value. If you want to become…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader How the Austrian Rulers Move the Country from Democracy to THE DIGITAL GULAG

Servus Democrats!Austria’s rulers are using the Covid pandemic as a Trojan horse to lead the country from democracy to the digital gulag. The first phase from 20 to…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader Austria: 6 Mistakes That Will Hurt in the Long Run (and Solutions)

Selling The Family Silver The Austrian politicians are currently preparing the ground for foreign investors who want to acquire the Austrian family silver in industry and research and…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader Austria: How to Move from Dictatorship to Democracy Now

Servus Democrats! How can we restore democracy from dictatorship? The government wants to make the population obedient by means of coercive measures and to divide and rule by…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader How and Why The Austrian Government Divides The Society?

Servus Democrats The Austrian government has dictatorially led society through the Covid pandemic from the start The objective of the Government is to get more than 80% of…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader Austria’s Dictatorial Strategy 2020 – 2021

The Austrian government has implemented a dictatorial Covid strategy that has caused immense collateral damage. 1. Creating ThreatChancellor Kurz threatened that each of us Austrians will know anybody…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader How to Move from Democracy to Dictatorship

Today, we’ll demonstrate how the government uses the Covid Pandemic as a trojan horse to move from democracy to the digital gulag. Hello Democrats! Today, we’ll design a…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader Quo Vadis Austria 23 – Demokratie oder Diktatur?

Servus Demokraten Heute möchte ich Euch die Gefahren aufzeigen, die unsere Demokratie gefährden Es sind 3 Politische Phasen, die ÖSTERREICH seit 1945 prägen: 1.In der #SozialenMarktwirtschaft wurde der…