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This RapidKnowHow Quiz offers multiple-choice questions to help you identify your baseline knowledge of strategy crafting and execution essentials. Enjoy!


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#1. What is a Corporate Strategy? ? A company's strategy consists of a plan for where it wants to go and how it intends to get there

A company’s strategy consits of a plan for where it wants to go and how it intends to get there

#2. Which of the following best describes the components of a strategic plan? ? A direction statement lay's out the company's mission, vision, market, business offerings. Strategic objective e.g.: To increase customer satisfaction by 20% , we need to boost automatic deliveries by 40% to the manufacturing, chemicals and food industry

A direction statement lay’s out the company’s mission, vision, market, business offerings. Strategic objective e.g.: To increase customer satisfaction by 20% , we need to boost automatic deliveries by 40% to the manufacturing, chemicals and food industry

#3. Which of the following is not a key component of an action plan? ? Key Performance Indicators are components of an action plan

Key Performance Indicators are components of an action plan

#4. If senior management has not delegated priority issues to your unit, how might you best identify your unit’s priority issues? ? By analyzing external factors as major business drivers (social, technological, environmental and political) and then assessing your company's and business unit's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)

By analyzing external factors as major business drivers (social, technological, environmental and political) and then assessing your company’s and business unit’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)

#5. Which of the following is the best example of a well-phrased strategic objective? ? This objective is phrased as SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound

This objective is phrased as SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound

#6. What is the best way to ensure that your action plan remains aligned with your company’s strategy in the upcoming months? ? Monthly or Quartely one page reviews are an efficient tool for assessing progress and checking alignment. Units should send reports with a simple ample showing progress , key issues solved which decisions or resources the unit needs from senior management, and what the performance objectives are

Monthly or Quartely one page reviews are an efficient tool for assessing progress and checking alignment. Units should send reports with a simple ample showing progress , key issues solved which decisions or resources the unit needs from senior management, and what the performance objectives are

#7. Once senior management has approved your unit’s action plans , what do you do next? ? Before executing your plan allocate responsibility to each task (goal, action, quality of deliverable and time)

Before executing your plan allocate responsibility to each task (goal, action, quality of deliverable and time)

#8. In implementing your unit’s action plans, you’ve observed some resistance from a valued team member. How should you address the situation? ? Promptly address any resistance to your strategic plan. Coaching team members in establishing goal and transfer them into actions and sustained results rapidly.

Promptly address any resistance to your strategic plan. Coaching team members in establishing goal and transfer them into actions and sustained results rapidly

#9. What criteria you’d not use as non-financial measure? ? Timeliness is an objective measure. While managers need to evaluate more subjective criteria for performance - such as creativity, knowledge and learning, teamwork, presentation skills, and ability to plan and execute.

Timeliness is an objective measure. While managers need to evaluate more subjective criteria for performance – such as creativity, knowledge and learning, teamwork, presentation skills, and ability to plan and execute.

#10. How can you best reward your team members for successfully implementing your company’s strategy? ? A most effective reward system offers both financial and nonfinancial rewards and are customized to individual preferences

A most effective reward system offers both financial and nonfinancial rewards and are customized to individual preferences


Source for RapidCheck Your Skills: Harvard Business Press Pocket Mentor Series

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