The 1-Hour Digital Leader – eGnite Your Digital Business Rapidly – How to Run Your Strategy Session

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In our last post : RapidKnowHow 74 – How to Quick Start Your Digital Transformation we outlined the process to start our digital transformation rapidly.

We learned that the risk of failure is high, if top management is not genuinely committed to the digital transformation process.
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So you will start organizing a strategy session with your top management team .

In your strategy session, you’ll set your goal for your digital program.

The first step is to invite your management team to the strategy session. You’ll use a compelling name for the session ” Breakthrough Digital Growth Strategy etc.
See how an example how to plan und run your strategy session below


In the meeting , you and your team start creating simple strategic and operation value creation goals.

Then you’ll define your team’s approach to the strategic digital transformation process of your company.

Finally you’ll identify and prioritze e-opportunities for creating QUICK WINS.

Checklist: Plan and Run Your Strategy Session

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Next you’ll appoint your program manager for implementing the quick win strategy.

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