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The Successful Digital Business Starter turns the business goal into a sustainable cash flow rapidly.
Our fifteen step-by-step process gives you digital business direction, defines your goals, maps out strategies to achieve your goals and helps you to manage to achieve sustainable cash flow rapidly. Preparing a business plan will help you work out the goals you want to achieve, and the strategies to achieve them.

Transforming your current business model into a digital business is far from a walk in the park.
You and your team might spend weeks and even years to figuring out how to create a simple business plan that gets approval from the top management. I faced the same problem at a DAX 30 company seventeen years ago.

Finally, with the help of a leading consulting company, we set-up a simple start-up plan was approved. Why?
Because we’ve crafted business cases for delivering quick cash flows.

We described how to turn this goal into cash flow rapidly without jeopardising the long-term goal of the company.
We – the global program team – succeeded in creating and implementing 22 global projects in two years that financed themselves by generating quick cash flows continuously.

Since that time, I’ve helped many business leaders to succeed in establishing the same strategy for their sectors and markets.

That’s why I created this fifteen step-by-step process to help you to turn your business goal into sustainable cash flow rapidly.

15 Steps to Turn Your Business Goal into Sustainable Cash Flow Rapidly

Discover the proven fifteen step-by-step process to turn your business goal into cash flow rapidly.

Step 1 – Goals

Set the measurable goals that you want to achieve this year

Step 2 – Market

Define your target market (B2B, B2C). Analyse if your market is big enough, and is growing fast enough to achieve your short-term objectives and sustain your long-term goals, and the timing is right.

Step 3 – Customers

Define your customer profile to whom you’ll deliver value specifically.

Step 4 – Customers Wants

Determine Your Customers Wants and Needs from your customer satisfaction studies, market research, LinkedIn groups discussions and Quora questions and answers.

Step 5 – Business Blogging

Build your business authority through business blogging that drives qualified existing and prospective customers to your website from search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing).

Step 6 – Strategy

Determine how you’ll satisfy your customers’ wants by creating a compelling market positioning statement.

Step 7 – Offering

Next, you’ll define your business offerings to satisfy your target customers’ wants and needs. Showcase how your solution helps your clients succeed.

Step 8 – Marketing

Marketing is the essential step to transfer your business goal into leads and clients. You’ll use the AIDA formula to attract website readers and LinkedIn followers and convert them into clients rapidly.

Step 9 – Business Model

Your business model describes the rationale of how you and your organisation creates, delivers and captures value.

Step 10 – Entrepreneur Profile

Find out your and your team entrepreneurial profiles. Analyze if there is a good fit for transferring your business model into actions and cash flow rapidly and sustainably.

Step 11 – Partner

Describe the network of suppliers and business partners that make your business model work efficiently and effectively.

Step 12 – Risk Evaluation

Find Out the most severe risks that inhibit achieving your goals and outline simple mitigation strategies.

Step 13 – Progress

Now it’s time to outline WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW. What have you accomplished to date?

Step 14 – Action Plan

You and your team set the goal for the next phase, defines actions and timing.

Step 15 – Cash Flow Projects

Finally, you’ll determine how, when, and to what extent cash will flow in.


  • If you are starting a digital venture you need a business plan.
  • Developing a business plan makes your goals explicit and how to transfer them into a sustained cash flow. That’s important for you and your stakeholders.
  • The business plan helps your steering group and other stakeholders to get a quick insight into opportunities and risks of the digital venture to make qualified decisions.

To your success Josef

Want to Turn Your Business Goal into Sustainable Cash Flow Rapidly

Need support in setting up your goal and turn it into sustained cash flow rapidly.
Contact me; I’ll come back as soon as I can.