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A step-by-step guide to crafting your business blogging strategy that drives traffic and rapid growth

The value of a business blog is its ability to help rank in search engines, attract and nurture high-quality prospects, and make your brand the go-to solution, so when people are ready to buy, they turn to you first.That’s why I created this one-page business blogging strategy to help to establish your business blog as an engine that drives your business development rapidly.Let’s get started:

Crafting Your Business Blogging Strategy in One Hour

Set Your Goals – Write down your goals and target time for reaching them

Define Target Audience – Identify niche , sector and target audience

Identify Value Proposition – Identify value proposition, you provide to your target audience

Set Core Message – Write down your core message that resonates with the value proposition

Determine Main Subject – The main topic that derives from the core message

Select Categories – Allows to expand core message and stay under the umbrella of our main subject

Define Type of Blog  – Choosing type of blog: list post, how-to post, tips post, secret strategy posts etc.

Choose Article Formats – Using actionable step-by-step formats that turn the goal into measureable results rapidly

Write Business Blog  – Write down roadmap which consists of: Title, Opening, Steps, Conclusion and Call-to-Action

Conclusion – Write down conversion process from setting the goal to transferring the goal into measureable result step-by-step.

Call to Action – Write down what the reader will do next e.g. subscribing to blog, sharing post, contacting you or any other activity you want him to do.

Monetization – Specify your preferred monetization strategies.:

  • coaching services, consulting services, – online and offline
  • affiliating recommended digital products such as software, ebooks, ecourses
  • creating and promoting eCourses on 3rd part platforms such as Udemy.

Crafting Your Business Blogging Strategy in One Hour : Example RapidKnowHow

Set Your Goals – Write down your goals and target time for reaching themBlog Visitors per Day: 100 – Q3/18 ; Blog Subscribers: 300 – Q4/18 ; Income $/€ per Month : 1000 – Oct18

Define Target Audience – Identify niche , sector and target audienceSME Manufacturing Cos, Consultancies; Target Audience: CxOs, Managing Directors, Partners , Owners

Identify Value Proposition – Identify value proposition, you provide to your target audienceRapidKnowHow provides innovative business models and strategies for businesses that want to become the digital leader in their sector

Set Core Message – Write down your core message that resonates with the value proposition RAPIDKNOWHOW – We Know How

Determine Main Subject – The main topic that derives from the core messageThe ONE Hour Leader

Select Categories – Allows to expand core message and stay under the umbrella of our main subjectThe One Hour DIGITAL Leader; The One Hour SALES Leader; The One Hour PERSONAL Leader; The One Hour SUPPLY CHAIN Leader; The One Hour INDUSTRIAL GAS Leader; The One Hour SERVICE SOURCING Leader.

Define Type of Blog  – Choosing type of blog: list post, how-to post, tips post, secret strategy posts etc.How-to Blog That Helps Readers to Transfer Goals into Measureable Results in ONE Hour / Day / Week / Month

Choose Article Formats – Using actionable step-by-step formats that turn the goal into measureable results rapidlyThe ONE Hour Digital Leader : 3 Steps to Attracting High Quality Blog Visitors and Converting Them into Blog Subscribers Rapidly

Write Business Blog  – Write down roadmap which consists of: Title, Openning, Steps, Conclusion and Call-to-ActionTitle: The One Hour Digital Leader: 3 Steps to Attracting High Quality Blog Visitors, and Converting Them into Blog Subscribers RapidlyOpening: If you want to convert visitors into subscribers , then your articles need to attract readers. How to get qualified readers?Step 1: First, you need an interesting and specific article title. A specific article title emerge in the search results on top of the page. It has to entice search users to click on your article title.Step 2: Next, you want the reader finish reading your article. Write in a flowing manner, make it easy to understand. Showcase how to turn your headline into results step-by-step. Use tools, diagrams that help readers to turn their goals into actions at once..Step 3: Finally, you want the reader click on your link: SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG. To achieve that, you need to write an enticing call to action sentence such as: Subscribe to our blog and you’ll receive each new blog to your email box.

Conclusion – Write down conversion process from setting the goal to transferring the goal into measureable result step-by-step.Today, we’ve learned how to attract high quality website visitors and turn them into subscribers rapidly. We need an interesteding and specific article title, we want to write in a flowing manner using a step-by-step process and tools, diagrams that help readers to turn their goals into actions and results at once. 

Call to Action – Write down what the reader will do next e.g. subscribing to blog, sharing post, contacting you or any other activity you want him to do.Finally, we’d be happy if the reader subscribes to our blog to get regular posts from use to straight to her email box.

Monetization – Specify your preferred monetization strategies.:

  • coaching services, consulting services, – online and offline
  • affiliating recommended digital products such as software, ebooks, ecourses
  • creating and promoting eCourses on 3rd part platforms such as Udemy..

We offer one hour free consulting sessions that help visitors to get to know us and start his business activity rapidly. Visitors can call us from their mobile phones by using the: CALL NOW with 1- CLICK button.

Josef David, MSc MBA has been a professional in the field of international business development for the last 30+ years.He has established and grown dozens of manufacturing businesses, service initiatives and digital business models successfully.Josef owns and manages the RapidKnowHow platform which provides breakthrough, actionable business models and strategies for service providers who want to become leaders in their sectors in the digital age.

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