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If you want to be in control of your own life and destiny, then you need a strategy for generating income continuously.
That’s why I created this shortlist of income opportunities that help you identify, choose and build your business portfolio over time.

1. Affiliate Marketing Services

Business Idea
Companies with affiliate programs would love to outsource this activity.
They need an expert who identifies, validates affiliate partners for growing their online business rapidly.
Business Services
Provide companies consistently with new tools to promote their business products or services, expand the number of affiliates, and monitor marketing efforts to make sure they are not damaging your business reputation.

2. Blog Writing Services

Business Idea
Today companies realise the opportunity to sell their know-how online.
Business Services
Provide online content writing services that induce your client’s clients readers to buy digital products online.

3. E-Zines (Online Magazines) Developer

Business Idea
Top executives want to make their companies the leader in the digital age.
Business Services
Provide news such as leadership insight, industry analysis, product innovations, success stories to their email box every day in the morning.

4. Writing and Publishing eBooks

Business Idea
People want access to what they want when they want it.
Business Services
Provide eBooks on the multitude of subjects, from internet marketing to how to get through a divorce, get through the teenage years to building a sailboat. You offer the information on hand-held devices such as Kindle and the iPad.

5. Interim Management Consultant and Coach

Business Idea
Companies are restructuring their operations to remain competitive. They need flexible, action-oriented experts for 3 – 6 months to turn challenges into measureable results rapidly.
Business Services
Provide interim management services like optimising total cost of ownership, streamlining contractor management, start-up management or any other specialist services that help companies save costs, time and get out in front in the digital age.

If you work as an interim executive, make sure the sponsor of the company is committed to implementing the changes.
Avoid being misused as the scapegoat in front of the employees.
Don’t let this happen. The company must play according to your rules. You have the experience with numerous international projects, so offer step-by-step solutions up-front. If the sponsor doesn’t undersign your approach is better to walk out from the business.

6. Mobile Site Developer

Business Idea
Millions of visitors visit websites from mobile devices. Having a website that is not compatible with mobile phones could easily cost clients, customers.
Business Services
Provide your website design service to develop mobile-friendly and conversion-focused websites to turn your client’s websiite visitors into leads and clients rapidly.

7. Online Business Performance Coach

Business Idea
Busy executives want to have a sparring partner before taking critical business decisions.
Business Services
Provide online services via your website or skype where your client can reach you anytime (the greenline) or plan regular online meetings with you.

8. Online Course Instructor

Business Idea
People want to learn from specialists anywhere and anytime. Specialists have done it and learned from mistakes and successes.
Business Services
Provide your specialist skills via online courses on your self-hosted website and via online learning marketplaces like Udemy

9. Online and Offline Seminar Moderator

Business Idea
If you are an educator, public speaker, industry specialist, this could be a winning ticket.
Companies prefer to cut travel costs by combining the human voice with moving images and presentation slides.
Business Services
Provide delivering and engaging educational experience that is available 24×7, live webinars or one-to-one online and offline sessions.

10. eCourse Instructor

Business Idea
If you are an expert in your field and you like teaching other people, then you can start instructing people online.
Business Services
There are thousands of people teaching online courses making extra income or even a full time income. I recommend to start on Udemy,
Check out Udemy to see if there are other courses on your topic. If there are, that’s a good sign because people are interested in the topic and are willing to pay for your course.