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If you want to be out in front in the digital age, then you need to manage your challenges

A common challenge echoed by many CEOs, in an Inc. 500 CEO survey, is how to manage communication in the digital age.

In this short post you’ll learn how to manage communication in the digital age.

Managing Communication in the Digital Age

Leaders in the digital age manage their precious time .

They use Email management systems .

In this short new post we’ll learn how to manage our emails.


  • Understand CEOs challenges with Emailing
  • Top 9 CEO strategies to manage Emailing
  • Key Take Aways
  • Getting Started

Understand CEOs challenges with Emailing

Fast Company found out that most productive CEOs keep their Emails in check.

CEOs respond only to emails addressed to them.

Some CEOs use scheduler tools like  The Boomerang Extension

The Boomerang Extension tool sets Email reminders and managing when messages go out.

Other executives are diligent in subscribing from mass Email lists.

Top 9 CEO Strategies to Manage Emailing

  1. Read, act file or delete
    Brad Smith, the CEO of Intuit, uses “read, act, file or delete.”
    Smith says he manages his in – box daily himself.
  2. Subway Strategy
    CEO Amy Jain, spend subway commute sifting through her in -box.
    She flags messages. Once she get to her desk, she answers flagged Emails first.
  3. Keeping Below Ten
    CEO Alex Friedman, keeps Emails below ten.
    She replies to Emails on subway.
  4. Sending 25
    CEO Karl Lager , sends twenty five Emails a day.
    He forwards most Emails;
  5. Speak to the Boss
    Entrepreneur Bill Dalessandro,  communicates urgent matters by phone. He responds to Emails in one to two days.
  6. Personal Assistant Service
    Delegate tasks to a service like Fancy Hands. Use Fancy Hands before doing a task yourself.
  7. Track Open Loops
    Use Task Management Software ( I love Trello) to create 3 Lists:
    – Today – Most Pressing Issues
    – Waiting On Me – I Do
    – Waiting On Others – Others Do
  8. Enable Out of Office Reply
    You respond to important Emails. Most People will wait for your  return.
    Often solve the problem on their own.
  9. Use ” Send from my Mobile”
    Add ” Sent from my mobile, please excuse my brevity”
    to the bottom of the cell phone, email signature and desktop  signature.

 Key Take Aways

Best CEOs  use these nine strategies for Email management.

If people don’t get an immediate message from you, they often solve their own problems.

There’s nothing better than getting a second email that says “never mind, I figured it out”.

Getting Started

Use these nine strategies to make your life easier.
Wish You All Success!

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