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“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

If you want to start your digital project rapidly, then you need a proven digital start-up plan.
Here is how to transfer your business need into your digital project outline in 5 steps rapidly.

1. Defining Goal
2. Defining Target Market
3. Contacting Adviser
4. Planning Strategy Session
5. Holding Strategy Session

1. Defining Goal
You are the program leader in Acumen, the market leader of construction materials in Central and Eastern Europe.
Top management wants you to present a simple business plan on how to start your digital business and create quick wins that generate cash flow rapidly within 3 – 6 months.

First, you’ll identify your goal for your digital business:

We want to become the digital leader in the construction industry in Central and Eastern Europe.
Our short-term goal is to identify quick-wins opportunities that generate a cash-flow within 3-6 months.

2. Defining Target Market
Next, you’ll determine your target market.
You’ll determine a local market where your market position is secure.
Where your primary company goal is profitability increase.
You’ll use your digital business start-up initiative to drive present business sales increase.
The most secure way of generating profitable sales is to focus on existing, profitable clients.

3. Contacting Adviser
You’ll want to call an adviser to ask him for his advise on creating a practical digital business plan for Acumen Inc.
You contact Josef from RapidKnowHow, an experienced digital business strategist to discuss your need.

You decide to meet for a two-hour session to discuss:

How can we start our digital business initiative within four weeks? Our goal is to secure our present business and to generate a positive cash-flow within six months.

4. Planning Strategy Session
Josef sends you the following outline of the strategy session:

Rapid Digital Start-up Strategy Session
The purpose and objective of the strategy session are to identify digital opportunities for Acumen:
– Check, if Acumen needs adjustment to the requirements for running a successful digital business.
– Outline quick wins as e-channels, e-services and process optimisation that will be rolled out in a specific region or in all areas where Acumen Inc. operates.

5. Holding Strategy Session
Josef proposes the following agenda for the strategy session:

1. Introduction
2. Current Challenges and Needs of Acumen Inc.
3. Defining Digital Start-up ( Quick Wins and Region)

You agree to meet at your office next Tuesday at 10 a.m.

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