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Whether it’s your first digital business or your fifth, it’s a good idea to make sure your business idea will make sales before spending time creating the digital venture.

Here are three steps for choosing and validating your digital business idea before spending time.
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1. Brainstorm Topics
2. Validate Topics
3. Choose Your Digital Business Idea

1. Brainstorm Topics
Brainstorm these questions to find topics you can transfer into a valuable digital business.
– What do you do at your job
– What is your genuine expertise
– What type of things people ask you for help with
– What do you love talking about

First, digital business starters, pick the topic that sounds most interesting to them, and where they are experts.
It’s crucial, however, that you aim at creating value for your target customers, instead than making money rapidly solely.

2. Validate Topics
You’ll want to validate your digital business idea if there is a market out there.
Here are three favourite places digital business entrepreneurs recommend:
Check digital course online marketplaces like to see if there are courses on your digital business topic.
If there are, it’s a good sign that there are buyers out there for your digital business idea.
Search on YouTube, if there are videos on your digital business idea with hundreds of thousands of views or channels dedicated to your topic. Many viewers on YouTube means that there is a huge potential demand for your digital business idea.
Top digital business entrepreneurs always stress that if there’s an audience on YouTube watching free videos, there’s an audience willing to pay for a digital product as well.

Google Search
Check Google by using the Google Keyword Planner tool.
If your keyword reaches more than 100k searches per month and low competition, this is a good sign for a valuable business idea.

3. Choose Your Digital Business Idea
If you already have an audience (Email list, LinkedIn Followers, Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers and a YouTube Subscribers), message your followers, fans and subscribers and ask them if they’d be interested in your digital business idea.
You can send them a survey asking them:
What are the 3 top challenges you’d need more help?
This way you’ll receive feedback on what your community is interested.

Getting Started
If you dedicated one hour to do these three steps, you’d have found your business idea successfully.
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