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The RapidKnowHow Business Model
5 Steps to DO Your Job Effectively

You want to achieve your strategic objective rapidly.

If you are like me, you don’t want to read many books, listen to hour-long presentations, so here is a simple process I use for many years to finish my job rapidly and successfully. Without further to do, get started

The RapidKnowHow Business Model

If you want to achieve your strategic objective rapidly, then you need a practical business model to succeed

The RapidKnowHow Model helps to finish your job in five steps:

1. You are responsible for doing the job

2. Next, you define your job to be done

3. Then you craft the strategy to do your job effectively

4. After that, you execute your strategy

5. Finally, you achieve your objective as planned

Next, I’ll show you two examples of how to use the RapidKnowHow business model effectively

The B2B Collaboration Leader

Your Goal is to sign collaboration agreements with your most innovative clients in Q1 2020

Your Strategy

Sign collaborative agreements with your most innovative clients in your focus business segment by offering innovative solutions:

  • Guaranteed availability of your products to avoid customer’s stock-outs of production
  • Performance-based contracting to optimize customer’s supply chain costs
  • Asset rent instead of buy solutions to increase customer’s ROA

The B2B Collaboration Leader

Your Goal is to sign collaboration agreements with your most innovative suppliers in Q1 2020

Your Strategy

Sign collaborative agreements with your most innovative suppliers in your focus business categories by requesting innovative solutions:

  • Guaranteed availability of your products to avoid stock-outs of production
  • Performance-based contracting to optimize supply chain costs
  • Asset rent instead of buying solutions to increase ROA