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The 1-Hour Digital Leader – Action Guide to Identify Leadership Skills Rapidly

John Denver, the newly appointed VP Digital Business Transformation of InnovaGas, the leading industrial gas company, is thinking about how he could choose and develop digital leadership talents from within InnovaGas to drive the digital transformation process rapidly.

The company objective is : Increasing Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) from 7% to 15% by the end of 2022

The 1-Hour Digital Leadership Skill Map

John asked the RapidKnowHow team to provide a simple strategy skill map to get insight into the key skills of a Digital Transformation Leader

Here is the DIGITAL LEADER COMPETENCY MODEL aligned to John’s request.

The Digital Leadership Competence Map

How to Choose and Develop Leadership Talents

For choosing and developing your digital leaders rapidly, John wants a proven system.

John chooses and develops digital leaders in three steps:

  1. Defining Leadership Competencies
  2. Learning Leadership Skills
  3. Determining Deliverables for each Leadership Competency

1. Defining Leadership Competencies

Successful leaders are superior in these three competencies:
1. Creating Value
For creating sustained value your leaders need to have the following competencies:
– Customer Focused
– Innovative and Controlled Risk Taker
– Delivering Results in Time and Quality

2. Executing Strategy
Your leader craft value-adding strategies, mobilise and guides the process of transformation and change effectively.
– Crafting Strategy
– Accountability
– Strong Communicator
– Team Builder

3. Developing Leadership Talent
The leader builds leadership competencies and wants to get the best out of people. He sets high standards for critical evaluates performance.
– Coaching Talents
– Learning by Doing
– Leads by Examples

2. Learning Leadership Skills

Next, he determines the specific skills of your leadership talent to transfer his competencies into results. He finds the outline of each skill related to key competencies on the digital leader competency model

3. The Digital Leader Competency Model

Finally, he applies our digital leader competency model for identifying and developing digital leadership talents within his organisation rapidly. He is eager to finding and choosing digital leadership talents rapidly

  1. Creating Value > Delivers bottom line results for clients, the company and other stakeholders
  2. Executing Strategy > Crafts value-adding strategies mobilizes and guides the process of transformation and change effectively.
  3. Leadership Talent > Develops leadership competencies and wants to get the best out of people. He sets high standards and critically evaluates performance.

Then, he discusses his findings with the management team. After agreeing, he involves HR for pre-selecting leadership talents within InnovaGas. Now it’s your turn! To your success – Josef