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The 1-Hour eBusiness Leader Action Guide to Craft an eBusiness Strategy in One Day (Case: Industrial Gases)

Chris Patton, the newly appointed VP eBusiness at InnovaGas is thinking to develop an eBusiness strategy to make InnovaGas the eBusiness Leader in the Industrial Gas Sector by the end of 2021

Chris defines his overall goal:

Project Goals

The goal of the definition phase for the global deployment of eBusiness is to develop an eBusiness strategy for InnovaGas.  This will build on work that has been previously carried out at InnovaGas.  The focus will be on opportunities that will deliver operative value in 2020 and 2021.  These opportunities will, however, be considered in the context of potential longer-term strategic opportunities.

Developing an eBusiness Strategy in One Day

Chris asks RapidKnowHow for providing a simple project plan that includes:

Project Objectives
Project Scope
Project Approach and Deliverables
Outlining the Project Phases

RapidKnowHow provides the proven definition of a global eBusiness Program.

Project Objectives

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Define a vision for eProcurement, eSales and other eBusiness opportunities
  • Develop a business blueprint and action plan for eProcurement and eSales capability delivery
  • Work in collaboration with the MyLEAD project to coordinate InnovaGas Group opportunities

Project Scope

  • On the sales side we will focus on opportunities in eMarketplaces, eSales, eServices, eCatalogue, eCRM
    • The team will assess opportunities for up to 10 industry segments
  • On the procurement side we will focus on eProcurement for MRO materials and eAuctions
    • The team will focus on material groups which represent the major value areas of purchased goods
  • We will consider opportunities in Intranet and HR as part of the eVision
  • The geographic scope includes Germany, Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland) and USA
  • The project will focus on a rapid assessment of implementation alternatives, and will not include a detailed technical assessment

Project Approach and Key Deliverables

The work will be conducted in 4 phases as described in the following table:

PhaseKey DeliverableEnd Date
1 – Strategic As-Is Analysis– Situation Assessment22. September
2 – Envision the Future– eVision for  InnovaGas22. October
3 – Create Blue PrinteBusiness Blue PrintPreliminary Business Case*9. November
4 – Develop Action Plan– Business Case* – Quarterly release plan
– R1 implementation plan
10. December

Phase 1 – Strategic „As-Is“ Analysis

The goal of this phase is to define a baseline representing the InnovaGas’s  internal and external situation. Key components include analysis of the eCommerce landscape, industry and channel assessment, value chain analysis, procurement spend profiling and capabilities assessment.

Phase 2 – Envision the Future

During this phase, an eBusiness vision will be developed for InnovaGas.  This will include an eSales Channel Strategy and  eProcurement Spend Strategy.  It will also include an assessment of opportunities in eHR and intranet based internal communications.  This vision will be reviewed by the steering committee and will form the basis of the eBusiness blueprint and action plan.

Phase 3 – Create eBusiness Blue Print

The eBusiness Blue Print will describe the capabilities required to deliver the eVision.  This will include process, organization and IT requirements.  The eBusiness Blue Print will be presented to the steering group at the end of phase 3.

Phase 4 – Develop Action Plan

The Action Plan will describe a series of quarterly releases to deliver the capability described by the eBusiness Blueprint.  An implementation  plan will be developed for the first release.  The release plan and release 1 implementation plan will be presented to the steering committee at the end of phase 4.

*: The business case will include NPV and payback analysis based on projected benefits (revenue enhancements and cost/inventory reductions) and new capability implementation costs.

Take Away

Today, we’ve learned to define the four phases of a proven eBusiness Program.
Now it’s your turn! Wish You All Success!


RapidKnowHow provides eBusiness program management for industry leaders who want to drive eBusiness leadership 2020+